Mar 15, 2008

New Moon.

Maybe I only got four or so hours of sleep last night. Maybe when Mike asked me what I wanted to do after dinner tonight {we were out with friends}, I suggested renting a movie so that he could watch something while I could finish reading. Maybe I read New Moon cover to cover, in less than 24 hours.


Missy said...

Seriously, you would never think, but it happens. At least you have the third waiting, I had to wait to borrow and that was difficult.

Tara Edwards said...

Maybe, I told you so, and maybe you will be wishing that book four was done so when you finish eclipse you could know what happens to your favorite characters! Hehehe!

dad said...

Maybe you should read "The Body Has a Mind of Its Own" so you could lay down a new layer of brain mapping so you could get more done.

Meg said...

I KNOW EXACTLY how you felt.... I LOVED LOVED LOVED these books! It's almost bitter sweet when your done reading.. I didn't want it to be over!

Mike said...

best weekend ever! Now you can't hold Halo against me! (once I get a new X Box, that is...)

Kellie said...

While reading this post, I was laughing out loud.

Jill said...

my sister has these on her shelf, and i think i need to borrow them

Julia said...

You crack me up! I'm still not sure if you have convinced me to read them though.

Joanna said...

Yes!! You've been bitten by the Twilight bug (er - vampire). Yay! Now we can relate. Mindless reading at it's finest.