Apr 7, 2008

Who wants to cook Aloo Gobi when you can bend a ball like Beckham?

The combination of Conference & excessive movie-watching this weekend equaled a large amoung of time spent in front of the TV this weekend. I have no complaints.
Mike & I watched Into the Wild on Friday night. It was interesting, & I admired Christopher McCandless for doing something he was truly passionate about - & felt for him & his clearly deep-seeded pain. However - the next morning, I woke up depressed. I was just simply sad. I was sad that he didn't communicate with his family, sad that his sister has to live without her brother, just sad with the loss. It was a hard feeling to shake the rest of the day. I don't love movies that make me depressed. Mike said I should read the book.
I agreed to watch I am Legend because Patrick said it wasn't really scary {I don't do scary}. Note to self: ignore all of Patrick's advice regarding movies. It was scary, especially for wimpy me. I jumped about 400 times, & finally closed my eyes & made Mike give me the play-by-play {think, "The monsters are coming! The monsters are trying to kill him. The monster is dead!"}. The special effects were pretty cool & it was interesting to see Manhattan sans people {most of the film was shot outside of Mike's building in Tribeca}, but I failed to believe the movie. It just didn't seem plausible & there were too many holes.
Bend it Like Bekham is an all-time favorite. Love it. I should own it. I watched it with a group of girlfriends on Saturday night while the boys were watching their extra two hours of Conference. The lack of chemistry between Jess & her coach is lacking/awkward enough to make me laugh out loud, but this movie is just plain fun, & because I have quite a few Indian friends, it's always fun to see & learn more about their culture.
It really was a nice weekend. In addition to the tremendous amount of time spent in front of the TV, we also managed to spend a lot of time spent with friends. We made crepes with a few couples on Sunday morning, & watched the last session of conference & had dinner with friends from our old downtown ward in the afternoon. Bryan & Mary's little Abby is a total ego boost. She's always smiling. Most babies cry as soon as I look at them. Anyway - It's always a little strange to visit our old stomping grounds in the Financial District, but we had a lovely time.
Monday. Back to the grind.


Heidi said...

Ben and I also watched Into the Wild on Friday night. Interesting movie. I was glad that he made certain conclusions about life by the end of the film but sad he was not able to carry them out.

Jill said...

that was really fun to be with the gals for saturday night. loved it. that movie was funny & i'm with you on the chemistry, gag.

monday. back to reality. :(

Kellie said...

I was totally stressed out during I Am Legend. It was the last movie we watched in NY, a week before we left. I was also going for the play-by-play from J. Give me a chick flick any day.