May 9, 2008

Mug shot.

I really hate posting photos of myself. Especially head shots. Mike thought that I shouldn't smile in the photo {it's more natural}, but the no-smile shots just made me look angry. Anyway, here I am, with slightly shorter hair thanks to a sporadic but fun-as-always hour with Bradley last night. I'm growing out the bangs. Mike prefers the swoop vs. the dramatic straight-down. I like them both ways, but with summer days of 98% humidity quickly approaching, it probably makes sense to have something a little more manageable. I couldn't go too short, as there is no way I could function without being able to put my hair in a ponytail. Now that I think about it, this picture looks like a passport photo. Oh well.

I had a dream last night that David Archuleta, Elizabeth & I went to see the Salt Lake Philharmonic Orchestra {is there such a thing?} together. Afterwards, we went to his cabin where we had to hide from the vampires that were tracking me {a la Twilight}. Strange. I was happy to wake up this morning, albeit it 4am.


suz said...

I love the hair.

Jan said...

Do you want us to use this picture for Andrew's homecoming? Funny dream...Isn't it bizarre how we weave reality into dreams....I wonder how the brain manages to do it.

Missy said...

Really cute! And I like the swoop too.

Elizabeth said...

Cute Hair. I really like it! I would love to co to a concert with you and David. And if there were vampires chasing us I get we could push David first he is smaller than I am so he is an easier target.

Elizabeth said...

Cute Hair. I really like it! I would love to co to a concert with you and David. And if there were vampires chasing us I get we could push David first he is smaller than I am so he is an easier target.

Unknown said...

It looks great! DId you do color too? I visited my stylist today as well (Kelly). Change always feels so good.. especially as the weather is warming up.

Kellie said...

You look fabulous. I wish I was there to go out with you and your new hair this weekend....

Melissa said...

Very cute!

Kera said...

love it! so fresh. i am a huge fan of more of a swoop bang. really brings out your eyes and beautiful cheek bones. just lovely.

ok so its the strangest thing. I always dream and I am single and don't have a baby. its really annoying because i wake up and am always super confused.

Kera said...

wow can i write... sorry if that last post was confusing and full of errors.

Anonymous said...

Cute haircut! You look great!

Lindsey said...

I like the swoop look too. Alan always says the same about smiling in photos like this, but I side with you.

Jill said...

you look darling and i love the smile pic

Lula. said...

Such a cute pic of you!