Oct 7, 2008

Spam (aka a waste of 10 minutes of my day).

Dear Anonymous:

Your job at Wells Fargo (yes, I have you IP address, phone number, etc.) must be really stressful & hard today. Maybe your boss yelled at you. Maybe you spilled coffee all over your pretty new shirt. Or maybe you got in a fight with your husband, your best friend, or your mom. Even worse - maybe someone died, got fired, is being abused, or is getting a divorce. We never know what is really happening in people's lives, right (which is why we should always be nice- especially to people we don't know, of whose circumstances we are not aware)? I'm sorry you're having a bad day. I have those days too. I snapped at a woman on the train this morning for no reason other than that I was tired & grumpy & she did something ever so slightly irritating. She didn't deserve it, & I'm sorry.

Go get a manicure/pedicure & you'll feel much better about yourself, which maybe will help you to not feel the need to cut other people down - especially strangers in public (!) forums.

If you don't like my blog(s), I promise that you don't have read them, ever. I don't & won't make you. That's why they are mine, not yours.

PS: There is no such thing as anonymous. I would never keep my blog public without StatCounter or GoogleAnalytics giving me all the information I want, if necessary.
PPS: You must have been skimming when you spent so much time reading my blog earlier today (you're at work early for the West Coast!). But you missed #3.
PPSS: Unsolicited mean-ness boggles my brain.


Joanna said...


Unknown said...

Oh geeze. She who hides behind "anonymous" has very little backbone (or common sense or manners...). But I actually though anonymous was a boy when I read it.

Mean comments and people have encouraged me to make my blog private.. twice now. But I really hate having a private blog. I like your approach better. :)

Jill said...

I'm really sorry. I'm sorry people are nasty for no reason. I liked your response. We really just have to keep in mind that we never know where people are coming from, what they're going through, etc. That was wrong of anonymous to say that... but sigh... nothing we can do about it now.

I have seen many a nasty comment on other peoples blogs as well, and we just have to realize that people have no clue. They react poorly but all we can do is react positively. I'm reminded of a conference talk from this weekend (I belive it was Elder Nelson) about why the church doesn't actively respond to people who attack the church. His response was simply that we love them. We don't need to come back at aggressive behavior with another attack, we do what Christ would do and he quoted Matthew 5:44 "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you"

I love you and both of your blogs.

Jill said...

also, so true that there is no such thing as 'anonymous'

suz said...

I LOVED your post! What a great way to make a point.

Tara Edwards said...

Good job Kathryn. Sorry about the mean person. I'm sure he's just a troller.

Heather said...

Ok so I have never left a comment on your blog but I am Tara's friend, Heather, and I think your blog is so cute and I have told Tara a couple of times that your little tips (aka - the sale at Banana Republic) have made my day brighter!
Keep blogging Girl!

dad said...

Until today, I had a big business line of credit with Wells Fargo. I'm thinking of calling and canceling it.

Kellie said...

1. I love that you know how much time Anonymous spent reading your blog. Usually when I come across one that I'm not interested in I stop reading after a post or two...

2. Am I understanding correctly that your blog is no longer private?? My computer keeps my user name and password, so I didn't realize I wasn't logging in. I'm so excited for my friends to see your fabulous blog!

Lizzie said...

That is incredible! Wow.

Lindsey said...

Your PPSS is my favorite about unsolicited mean-ness.

I love your blog. It's one of my daily reads.

Erin said...

Ha Ha. Seriously. Who has time to leave these comments? So strange!

I love your blog, and I don't know you in REAL life, but I think your dang cool from my perspective in blog world! :)

di said...

babydoll - that was a fabulous and very well-articulated response. mean people SUCK!!!

Jan said...

As your mother, I have to say this, from an entirely unbiased point of view. I simply love your blog...day in and day out it is fresh and new...a real treat to enjoy. You are a gifted writer with lots of savvy, wit and wisdom. Your commentary brightens my life, stimulates my mind, and makes me just smile. Shame on the dudette who was so unhappy that she had to try and cast a shadow over something so fine. She must have simply no life at all..but then I really shouldn't be judging. I am simply just sad for her.

Heidi said...

No way- that person had to be kidding. That is so strange! I love reading your blog

Rae said...

I agree with Jan. I love your blog! (As you know.)
What is the MATTER with people? I had an "anonymous" person leave two comments on one of my posts almost a year ago. This person had some pretty rude things to say about my best friend's almost husband. Seriously??? It's one thing to say rude things about me "anonymously," I'm the one putting myself out there. However to attack my loved ones is just plain wrong. I wrote a scathing post and then, begrudgingly went private for a while. I'm glad to be public again but honestly, the rude comments are so out of line.
I wish I'd been better at understanding how to check up on my visitors at that point.
I've been hearing people talk about google analytics more frequently. I use statcounter. Does GA offer something more?

Missy said...

Ridiculous that this person thinks it is right to say things just because it is under anonymous and to a person she doesn't know. I hope she felt bad right after hitting the "submit" button just because of how LOW that is of anyone to do...I would hope she realizes it or else than she has serious issues.

You seriously know where they live and their phone number? I want that tool!

Tara Edwards said...

Notice...she hasn't responded to your most recent post?

Bbells said...

Oh dear I think this is my fault, this is Jills friend, please get my email from her and contact me!
And to Kathryn's dad, please dont close your credit line.

eyre blog said...

Are you kidding me?! Your response is the greatest and I love, LOVE your blog!

Scott and Elly said...

Why are people so rude?! so ridiculous...P.S. I think you're blog is adorable!

Ryan said...

Kathryn, let's be honest here... Your blog would be more interesting if you talked more about technology, the NFL and/or College Football and less about shoes, lip gloss and stupid people who make ignorant comments on your PERSONAL blog. However, our fashion insight has allowed me (on several occasions) to contribute to my workplace watercooler chat.... Thank you, it's obvious that you put a lot of thought and effort into this an it makes us feel like you are much closer (in miles) than you actually are. We love you!

Elizabeth said...

I like lip gloss and shoes.... Sorry there are mean, stupid, ignorant and jeloys people in this world. She must be extremely jealous to lash out. I love your blog keep it up. You too mike I like your posts too.

Elizabeth said...

23 people have commented that should say something. I wish I were as cool as you.

k. said...

Thanks, friends. :)

Celine said...

I love your blog :)

Kera said...

just wanted to contribute to the million of comments :)
i like your blog :)

Melissa said...

Love your blog Kathryn and your response to this RUDE anonymous person.

Mike said...

Go figure... just when I thought Wells Fargo couldn't stoop any lower (having perhaps illegally and most definitely unscrupulously intervened in Citi's buyout of Wachovia), they take it to the next level - blog hate-mongering.

Tara Edwards said...

I know Mike! I think I'm going to tell everyone I know to pull their money out of an institution that would hire people with such low class as to not only post something so rude, but also do it probably on work time! I thought there was some grounds for being fired over things like that! Seriously! Grow up!

Tara Edwards said...

And, while I'm at it, over 31,000 people think she, or he is wrong, proved by the numbers that Stat counters give you on who reads your blog. Given, 15,000 of them are probably me, but still.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

It looks like there will be no bail out for you- anonymous!

emily said...

Omg, I am seriously cracking up! I love it. I have to admit that one time I left an anonymous comment on someone's blog (a girl I do not know) and yes, it was a rude comment. Oops! This was before I knew about stat counter, etc. Oh well, I guess if she figures out who i am...I'm busted. At least it's worth a good laugh on both sides. Too funny! Thanks for making me laugh today.

Elizabeth said...

I loved mikes comment by the way.

Emily said...

Oh my goodness. I stumbled across your blog (from a friend of a friend-hope that's ok) and I just wanted to say that I think your blog is adorable. I have had anonymous nastiness on my blog before and it's just so unnecessary. Your response was brilliant. And I'd love to figure out where my anon poster is from-how do you find that out?

k. said...

Hi Emily- who is your friend-of-a friend? It's fun to make connections!

Just download StatCounter @ www.statcounter.com

It's a great program. :)

Emily said...

Hi Kathryn-Elly Fryer's blog is how I found your blog. We were in the same singles ward before she married Scott and she was my visiting teacher. She's so sweet!

Thanks for the tip on StatCounter!