Dec 14, 2008


Shake Shack (20 degrees - we obviously ordered hot chocolate). Saying good bye to our friend Winston Creer + his mom & dad (I didn't cry until this morning). Christmas lights everywhere on the streets (love it).


Jan said...

It's seriously cold here - we got one of the fastest, hardest freezes ever in the past 24 hours. Brrrrrrr!
We came home from church drank hot cocoa and are waiting for some french onion soup to finish. It's a day to stay in and stay warm, for sure! We're at about 11ยบ right now.
Gosh Winston is a cute baby!!!

Kera said...

Our high for tomorrow is 4 degrees! so cold.
So, I guess NY is supposed to be a bit rainy this week...

Missy said...

I'm so sad for you. I hate when friends move away.

I wish I could sell my camera and buy yours. Beautiful photos.

And you, as usual, look stunning.

Heidi said...

You look so pretty! And I just love baby boys in sweaters- darling.

jocelyn said...

i like your hat. so i think the time has come that i'm finally going to ask you if it's ok to link you on my blog? i take issue with people that link me without informing me, and i know we're not technically "friends", but i really enjoy reading your blog!

dad said...

Which Shake Shack - Union Square or the other one? You definitely need inside seating.

Lindsey said...

pretty kathryn. you guys look good with a baby. :) he is adorable. i'm sad for you too... I really don't like it when my friends move away (which is usually inevitable when you live in the city and/or overseas).

k. said...

The bad news, Dad - the Madison Square Park Shake Shack. Outside. We ended up going to a Subway (sandwich shop, not public transportation) nearby and buying chips and drinks so we could just eat there. BRR.

Unknown said...

I was always the type that could play it cool when friends (or I) moved away.. and would later have the meltdown. I'm sad for you too.

But as always, great photos. The sepia one at the bottom is my favorite.

Melissa said...

You look so pretty Kathryn. I love your hat!

Jill said...

love the pictures, i sure am missing them today.

Elizabeth said...

I love your hat!

Molly said...

Caitlin Creer told me to check out your cute blog. I was hanging out with her last night and she told me how much she was going to miss all of her great fiends in ny. She showed me the pics you took of her fam. Quite the talent. So, how much are you willing to part with your rebel for??

marta said...

am so so so happy to find your blog and see that we both love the shake shack. will be perusing all of your newyorkian archives. oh how i envy you.

have a lovely weekend.
