Jan 25, 2009

I'm awesome.

Saturday: wear my sweatshirt backwards all day long. Finally figure it out around 7pm. Fantastic.
Sunday: babysitting my friend's darling daughter (6 months old) & manage to accidentally LOCK HER IN HER BEDROOM after putting her down for a nap, with the keys that I didn't know existed inside on the nursery bookshelf. Seriously, who actually does that?! And people wonder why I don't have kids. After visions of fire trucks, policemen & child endangerment charges, sleeping (phew) baby is eventually rescued by a cigarette-saturated yet lovely neighbor with a phenomenal talent with a Metro Card - but not before I have a near-panic attack.


Heidi said...

That sounds like something that would happen to me and I DO have a kid! Glad everything turned out okay.

Unknown said...

1. I wish I had a skirt that fit me.. to be able to wear backwards. Finding clothes for Sunday is entirely depressing right now since yoga pants aren't exactly church dress. If you didn't notice, I'm sure nobody else did either. Especially since you certainly pull off style maven.

2. Other people's kids sometimes make me nervous too. You'll learn that it's entirely different with your own. I locked myself out of our current home when I went to get the mail once.. and I had to coach Cole how to unlock the front door. It happens to the best of us. It's nice that she was sleeping and that a card could easily unlock the door. We've had to use a nail to unlock Cole's door many a time. You're just getting good practice. You'll be such a fun mom.

You're funny. And awesome. I concur.

Suzi said...

You're awesome indeed! Love the story and I would have had a panic attack too...glad it turned out ok!

Jill said...

You are a good person. And really, YOU didn't lock her in her bedroom, you closed a door that happened to lock automatically. :) I'm glad the metro card pulled through.

p.s I'm looking through the Boden spring catalog finally. I've dog-eared almost every page!

Jan said...

I'm the one who left her 2 year old daughter at a building site miles from home, and didn't discover it until we had been home about fifteen minutes......Dad had made root beer floats and when we handed them out we still had one one the counter.....oops! A fifteen minute trip back into town was accomplished in a mere blink of an eye and we found her just fine....just a bit teary.
I also wore one black and one navy loafer to church one day, and didn't notice that faux pas till I was on my way home.
It comes with the territory. Ultimately, no damage done. Those things do make for good stories

erin said...

wait, you got a six month old to take a nap? that trumps all mishaps. and as long as the sweatshirt didn't have a hood and some incriminating insignia on the front of it, i'd say you're in the clear.

Kellie said...


Missy said...

Did she stay asleep amidst all the chaos of opening the door? If so, you are bound to be an incredible mom. Avery just locked herself in the bathroom a few days ago.

I assume the sweatshirt wasn't a hoodie right? ;)

Unknown said...

I don't know why I thought you said skirt. Ooops.

Jennifer said...

This was funny.