Feb 18, 2009


  • I got good news from a friend, & good news always makes for a happier day.
  • Marks 6 months + 5 days since I have partaken of any caffeine. Sometimes I really miss Diet Cherry Coke, but I don't ever miss the taste of aspartame. I think I'm maybe done forever. Maybe.
  • I met Mike for lunch at Peace & Love in Tribeca. It's fun to meet my (very handsome) husband for lunch in the middle of the day, & as a plus - my sandwich was especially delicious. Definitely beats the frozen burrito I had yesterday.
  • I followed up lunch by a trip to the Brooklyn Diner for a black & white shake, since my calorie consumption post-lunch was clearly not enough. Hooray for yummy treats & good friends.
  • Jill's lovely design blog & brother's engagement story was featured on Smitten, along with my Brooklyn Bridge photos. Fun.
  • It's rainy/snowy & grey. After a few hours out today, I came home, turned on the heater & put on my slippers, sweatshirt & leggings, even though I don't believe that leggings really qualify as real pants.


Kellie said...

Congrats on the public credit for your photos!! That's awesome. Potential new career???

erin said...

seriously, now you have to charge me a ridiculous amount of money for every photo of fox you take. you are well worth it. that is very, very righteous. yay jill and kathryn. :)

Jill said...

cait & i discussed. you should start a ny blog. deal?

my stomach did not like that shake. but my mouth sure did.

Missy said...

Hooray for your photos Kathryn! They were beautiful photos.

Tribeca (the name) just sounds like a happening place.

Lindsey said...

so fun about your photos. you're famous!

PJ and Julie said...

what a fun day! isn't lunch with the husband the best!