Feb 20, 2009

Who dun it?

Someone sent me a sweet present (dozens & dozens of them, actually), & it made my day.
I'm thinking that they maybe read this post.
But who?!
It wasn't my mom. It wasn't my sister. I asked a few friends.
I'm out of guesses.
Can I thank someone, please?
(thanks friend.)


Caitlin said...

maybe it was your fairy godmother!

Jan said...

Darling! You have more than one person who thinks you are "best of class"...How nice to get such a wonderful gift!

Missy said...

Seriously?! Who is ths mystery person? Very nice.

Suzi said...

What a mystery-so fun though to get a random gift!

k. said...

Caitlin, Caitlin, Caitlin... sweet girl.


Bri said...

That is seriously the most thoughtful thing I've ever seen. So cute.

Stacey Sargent said...

Love this. So sweet and so thoughtful!

Jill said...

Seriously, what a great friend!

erin said...

what a thoughtful friend... love them. :)

Jan said...

Still don't know?

Emily said...

That is a very awesome gift! So thoughtful. And true.