Apr 14, 2009

Kevin & Claire got married in Arizona.

- the setting -

- the friends, the food & the pre-wedding festivities, but mostly just In 'n Out -

- the (rainy + slightly chilly but beautiful) event -

Matt. Mike. Kevin. Ryan. Not pictured, but there in spirit: Mike Jenson. 

- the story - 

Mike grew up in New Canaan with the guys pictured above. From what I hear, they were absolute terrors, but I think that they're as close as you can get to the male equivalent of bosom buddies. They've all stayed in touch, despite being somewhat scattered. Mike went off to BYU, then to New York (with me). Matt went to a few schools, & roomed with Ryan for a bit while they were both at Weber State. I caught the bouquet at Matt & Casandra's wedding when Mike & I were dating back in 2004. It was embarrassing, but apparently effective. Ryan & Mike lived together at BYU, during our last year of dating. We hid & took photos when Ryan proposed to Whitney, & went to their wedding last September. Jenson went to USC & is still in LA. We think we all might see each other again soon at his wedding, but no pressure. Kevin went to Lehi, moved to Arizona, met Claire, & they moved to San Francisco. We're really happy they got married. 

Tucson. That's where Claire is from. Mike & I decided that we're probably allergic to the desert, but we had a great time. The resort that we stayed at was beautiful (our Casita was twice as big as our apartment - sad), the weather was great (on Friday & Sunday - I have tan lines to prove it), we went to In 'n Out twice (I'll still argue that Shake Shack is better), ate great Mexican food & woke up early every day to exercise to balance things out. The wedding was beautiful. The sun came out just in time for the ceremony, & the rain came right back after it was finished. The colors were so beautiful. My cactus photo - no editing. It was just after it had stopped pouring rain, & everything was just so pretty. The resort where the wedding was held was on the ball & moved everything post-ceremony (which was under a tent) indoors, & while my jean jacket wouldn't have been my first choice had I any other options in my suitcase, it kept me warm when it was a little bit chilly during the ceremony

I didn't get any photos of Claire in her dress. Pathetic. It was gorgeous. 

I really love weddings.


Jill said...

love the pictures. love the dress (you brat :)). i'm glad you had a fun weekend, weddings are so fun.

Jill said...

beautiful photos. thanks for documenting every bite so i can be jealous! :)

Katherine said...

Great pictures! I am now craving in n out.

caitlin and brinton said...

Kathryn- Such pretty pictures! I love the rounded shape around your pictures, how do you do it?!

Heidi said...

I love AZ. Looks like a nice weekend!

Unknown said...

I love the dress too. Where did you find it?

And the new rounded borders ARE fun.

erin said...

that shot of the sun coming through the clouds and trees is beautiful. rain in arizona... that happens like 3 times a year. looks like it was a lovely event.

Kera said...

i love your blue dress. looks so good with your skin and hair color.

and we would LOVE a visit from you, anytime.

Missy said...

Ooh, rounded corners and a new blue dress. I realize I'm echoing what the others said (oops). Where is the dress from?

Love these types of friends. They're the ones that will always be around. And the entire weekend sounds so relaxing.

Love the pink polish too!

Lindsey said...

kathryn! you look so pretty. i love the dress too. and the shoes. fun weekend. i am kind of reminicising about my wedding in az now.

k. said...

Thanks friends. :) My dress is Lil (I found it at Anthropologie).