May 4, 2009

Dear Internet.

Today, I 
  • Woke up with a headache. I'm really good at giving myself tension headaches. It's not fun. I need to relax, every so often. 
  • Took some Alieve & felt a bit better.
  • Walked in the rain ALL. DAY. LONG. It wouldn't stop. I'm grateful for wellies. If it were necessary to have two pairs, I'd buy a pair of Tretorns. I can't even make the argument to myself. Maybe next year.
  • Carried my trusty umbrella with me (a gift from Mike 4 years ago). JCrew just makes the best umbrellas. Mine refuses to bow down to the often-fierce wind gusts of Manhattan. It's an added bonus that they're pretty, too. 
  • Met Mike for lunch at Peace & Love Cafe on Greenwich Street. It was nice, to steal him away in the middle of his work day. Stopped by Tribeca Treats on my way home. You know, because it was on the way.
  • Was amazed, once again, that people with babies, physical handicaps, & / or  poor cardiovascular health can function in this city. Subway stairs just sometimes kill me. I've been known to take the local train from Grand Central to 86th Street just so I can avoid the extra set of stairs. 
  • Bought more than I could carry from The Container Store (one of my very favorite places) & took a cab home. Cleaned & organized under the kitchen sink. It feels wonderful to know that my cleaning supplies are now in order. Tomorrow - under the bed. 
  • Made a huge pile of things to donate. I love getting ready to move. I love to detox
  • Got caught up on Grey's & 30 Rock. Tried to watch The Office, but I'm sort of over it. Which is sort of sad. 
  • Went to Anthropologie & loved that their soundtrack featured Adele. We're excited for her concert tomorrow night. 
  • Shopped at Trader Joe's before noon & loved avoiding the crowds. Bought Blueberry Shortbread Bites & fell in love. My new favorite snag from TJ's
  • Talked to brother Patrick. Can't wait to go to Colorado on Wednesday & to meet baby Reese. 
  • Perused my B&H catalogue that came in the mail & began to covet. Excessively. 
  • Skipped the hair dryer & wore my hair in a low bun thanks to today's 99.9% - 100% humidity. Welcome to my life for the next 5 months. 
  • Ate dumplings with Mike for dinner. Had a Warm Chocolate Shanghai Soup dumpling for dessert. Black sesame crusted mochi wrapper bursting with hot melting Callebaut chocolate. The perfect salty + sweet treat. So unique.
  • Accomplished 17/24 things on my seemingly never ending to do list. Slowly but surely.
  • Set a bedtime of 10pm. It's 11:04pm. Oops. 
  • Didn't run. 
  • Played phone tag with friends. Let's try again tomorrow.
  • Walked down the street feeling very good about where my life is. 
  • Loved my city. Loved that I walked so much. Loved the rows of umbrellas sitting inside of the doors of shops (& love that people don't steal them). Loved hopping through puddles while others tiptoed


Kera said...

your comment got me laughing. just give your bangs a good perm and your set. we can't wait for you to come visit. sorry if your bored to tears. there's always shopping.

Missy said...

Did you get the place with the great doorknobs?? I don't know why I'm so worried about this for you, but I am.

Love new TJ's finds.

Heidi said...

I love rain, I love big cities. Who needs to run when you walked so much!?

JC said...

dumplings sound delish. the website says they are by my office on fridays. yipee! i am envious that you can accomplish so much on your list. having a baby pretty much ruins that, :)

Lindsey said...

My herbalist (yes, i have one...) has a great remedy for tension headaches. she is getting it together for me, so i'll let you know what it is. i get them too.

Jill said...

you wear me out! its all i can handle to get up, go to work, and head home at night.

Unknown said...

when do you move? I can't wait to see the new place.. especially if it's the *jewel* you talked about.