May 31, 2009

Happy Sunday, & here's a little something to think about.

Friend Louise left the most perfect comment on this post the other day, & it's been with me all week. I want to be reminded of this often, so for the record -  

I have been in situations previously where the "what do you do" question made me....well, I think I felt judged when my answer didn't "fit" the asker's expectations. But a talk by Elder Oaks - "The Challenge to Become", October 2000 - helped me with my perspective on this and he said, "In contrast to the institutions of the world, which teach us to KNOW something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to BECOME something". I love that. The world would judge us on what we know and what we do and what we acquire.... and the Saviour judges us on who we are becoming. And also on the condition of our heart. I cannot think of a fairer and more consoling thought.

(Read Elder Oaks' complete talk here - & thanks so much, Louise.)


Missy said...

Oh Louise - I read her comment over and over because it was written so perfectly. And then I went and found that talk right away. Brilliant.

(Funny, I just made a polaroid on my computer too)

Abbie said...

I love that quote. Thanks!

k. said...

Oh, I didn't make it, Missy. Just an image I pulled from Flickr. I love browsing the polaroids on there... so pretty, and makes me want to use my pola camera (which I never do). I downloaded software a few weeks ago to "make" my own, though. Just haven't gotten around to using it quite yet. Oops.

Louise said...

Ah, thank you so much Kathryn (and also Missy)! You are too kind. You know how at most conferences there are "stand out" talks that change your perspective irrevocably? That talk was mine that year. I loved his perspective - I am, however, still working on the application!