May 19, 2009

Today is Tuesday, right?

My life is so strange right now. 

Seriously. It's Tuesday. 

But I really, really love my friends & I'm sort of really grateful for this time that I've had to breathe.

(PS - I'm sure everyone thinks all I do is eat. Well, I do. Often. It's fun [I like food], & sort of a necessary part of our culture since we don't drink to socialize - rather, we meet for cupcakes, or have big Sunday dinners. But anyway. The scale tells me I've lost +/- 9 lbs. since I stopped working. My cupcake/Shake Shack/dumpling/taco/arepa/yogurt gluttony is almost always in moderation, so I promise I haven't blown up like a balloon. And Mike - get this - he's lost 20 POUNDS. TWENTY. That's a small toddler. I didn't even know that he had 20 to lose. He's always been hot, but right now, he looks super extra hot.)


Katherine said...

You are making me hungry! How was the sample sale? Love your sweater

Kera said...

your blog always makes me hungry :)

Kera said...

still haven't sent me a shirt picture????? what gives???

jocelyn said...

your sweater is so pretty.

Lindsey said...

i love the pretty photos of food you eat. and i love that you compared 20 lbs to a small toddler. that made me laugh.

Jill said...

i agree with kera, i'm hungry now. and way to go on the lbs. both of you look great!

Jill said...

what a fun day. i love that eating and shopping is the usual on a tues afternoon (and pretty much every other day of the week) :)

erin said...

you and mike DO look great. and really, how can you even consider going back to work? you've got too much to do. and we're making pillows, remember?

Unknown said...

that cupcake diet sounds perfect. 9 lbs! I didn't know you even had that to loose. (Brad lost 18 lbs. around Christmas time and I was so impressed. Way to go, you guys! Now I need to get into gear.)

but really, that urban life is so healthy. except for the occasional black you blow out of your nose.

k. said...

Ha, Kelli, NYC has great air. No smog like west coast cities or inversion like Salt Lake. :)

Missy said...

What in the mini cupcakes??!! Could those get any cuter? Whoever thought up the idea for a bite size cupcake so that we aren't captive to ONE flavor is genius.