Jun 12, 2009

Hi, it's Friday.

I got really mad at Mike today after I came home from a meeting to find that the half-eaten pan of brownies I had made last night (half because I brought them to a dinner with friends) was now 98% polished off, thanks to the fact that Mike is working from home today. I was mad that he didn't share more with me, that he was snacking on them all morning, that he'd only left a tiny little piece in the corner for me. Unreasonably mad, I was. And now - in hindsight - I realize that I should have just been tickled pink that I successfully baked something, & that Mike really loved them. They were the best brownies on the planet, really (thanks for the recipe, Kelsey). And sorry for being so snappy, Mike. 

Moving along.

I had another one of those (i.e. discouraged) moments as I was putting together our lunch this afternoon, making little turkey & cheese sandwiches with sliced pears on the side. I felt like I was in kindergarten, or that I had a kindergartner (except I don't, just plants), & the starkness of that vs. my morning, walking through midtown in all black (plus black & white polka-dotted peep toes), talking about my ideal role & comp expectations, it was just especially obvious & strange. This whole job searching thing? It's just frustrating sometimes. A few weeks ago - I was told to dumb down my resume. This morning, to be less vocal about my accomplishments. I can't win, & until I do, I'm making sandwiches in my apartment mid-day & eating cupcakes several times a week.

Don't misinterpret though. I'm not being a total Negative Nancy here. I love my life. I'm happy. Mike has a great job. I love my friends, & love that I actually get to spend time with them. I can't complain. Like yesterday, friend Jill & I adventured over to the west side (via bus) to run a few errands. We stopped by Shake Shack - because we were in the neighborhood - for a little snack (fries + custard + shack burger), contemplated eye shadow options at Mac, laughed at my potential purchase of Crocs (they're so comfortable. Suzi & Nicole inspired me, & after another day of bleeding feet, I ordered them), & then went to the temple to pick up some new undies. That in & of itself was a hilarious experience that is almost impossible to explain (one word: onesie). It was a drizzly & grey day, but we decided to walk home, up the west side of the park, & then across. It was beautiful. I'd left my camera at home, because it's heavy, & sometimes it makes my back feel all out of whack. I wish I'd hadn't. It was like a movie. Grey. Foggy. Drizzly. Very northeastern. But it all felt so cozy, & it was fun to walk + talk with Jill, & then friend Erin when we made it to the east side. Normal people don't walk this much, but New Yorkers do, & I really love it, & I really loved that day - rain & all.

I'd like it to stop raining now though. 

It's raining again today, & I guess it's getting a tiny bit old. I think it's been raining for a week.

We finally set up our desk in our living room. Pottery Barn originally only sent half of it (genius), which we unfortunately didn't discover until the massive box had been sitting in our living room for a week. And then last night? We opened the finally-arrived 2nd box to realize that they had forgotten to include the so-important-in-NYC-apartments foot levelers. Our floor isn't exactly flat, & so our desk, for the next 3 weeks (!!) will be a bit crooked. But, it's up, & we officially have zero boxes left to unpack in our living room. As a matter of fact, there's only one box left in our apartment. In the kitchen. It's full of spices & such, which meant that when I was making brownies yesterday, I had to dig through the box to just to find the salt. I still need to go to Ikea.  Anyway, we have a desk, & it has a lamp on it & some cute flowers & such, & I'm really happy about this. 
On the agenda for the weekend: Dave is coming into the city tonight & we're going to find him a new wardrobe. Saturday - we're going to a BBQ festival. Getting Afghan food that night. Hopefully finding some shelving. 


Heidi said...

All the walking is for sure the thing I envy most about city life even more than all the food and cultural options.

Kelsey from Next Food Network Star? Um I loved that show last summer. This summer too.

Missy said...

Will you take a photo of your desk? I love house photos.

I just bought Motif at Mac this morning. I like that color. And I was thinking of you because I bought a bobbi brown lipgloss and think I might be converted. Love it.

Afghan food? Hmmm...

Unknown said...

onesie? on purpose?

Jill said...

it was a fun day, i was happy to join you. and i loved my shower/walk through the park!

ps. you made a good choice on the "onesie". and who knows...maybe you will be daring and wear them at night, with the air-conditioning on full blast?! enjoy.

Suzi said...

You will love the Crocs...they are the best.

Kera said...

crocs?! you didn't!

i'm curious about the onesie :)