Jul 27, 2009

Beethoven & Mozart at Central Park.

We had a late night date at Central Park the night before I left for Washington 2 weeks ago (on my 6am flight, gulp). The summer New York Philharmonic performances at the park are some of my very favorite events of the year - officially a tradition, since we went twice last year, too. Good friends, sun, picnicking (I made Kelsey's brownies, um, again), perfect weather & world-class music - it's such a great event. Oddly enough, it seems to make me feel like I live in a little close-knit community with a trazillion of my fellow New Yorkers. Walking back home to our apartments after the fireworks with the other Upper East-Siders was nice.

I'm sad that I missed the Friday night performance as well - but I'm pretty sure I was sipping huckleberry lemonade by that point.


Heather said...

How FUN!!!!!!

Angie said...

These pictures are great! There I was with my camera thinking I had nothing to work with. You're so creative!

Milk and Cookies was really cute. I think Levain's cookies are better though. But I still think Milk and Cookies is worth a stop. It's on the most picturesque little street and their ice cream tastes homemade. I'd get a homemade ice cream sandwich if I went back. I don't know how I feel about paying for a glass of milk in a plastic cup, though.

Thanks for the recs about Park Ave places! I'll check them out!

Heidi said...

This sounds like something I would love to do. Very cool.