Jul 29, 2009

I don't hide the fact that I'm maybe sometimes a little bit critical.

It makes my skin crawl when people incorrectly use "I" instead of "me", especially when these people clearly think that they sound more intelligent, when they actually... don't. Jillian (The Bachelorette) was a frequent offender in this category. I'm happy I don't have to listen to her every week now.

It also bothers me when people sacrifice proper grammar & / or spelling in the spirit of quick texting. Call me critical. I'm just never in such a hurry that I feel okay using using two letters in lieu of two rather short words.

I loved the random tangent on grammar & language in The Elegance of the Hedgehog.

Personally, I think that grammar is a way to attain beauty. When you speak, or read, or write, you can tell if you've said or read or written a fine sentence. You can recognize a well-tuned phrase or an elegant style. But when you a applying the rules of grammar skillfully, you ascend to another level of the beauty of language. When you use grammar you peel back the layers, to see how it is all put together, see it quite naked, in a way. And that's where it becomes wonderful, because you say to yourself, "Look how well-made this is, how well-constructed it is! How solid & ingenious, rich & subtle!" I get completely carried away just knowing there are words of all different natures, & that you have to know them in order to be able to infer their potential usage & compatibility. I find there is nothing more beautiful, for example, than the very basic components of language, nouns & verbs. When you've grasped this, you've grasped the core of any statement. It's magnificent, don't you think? Nouns, verbs...

And on the way home I thought: pity the poor in spirit who know neither the enchantment nor the beauty of language.

(Barbery, pp. 158 - 160)


Missy said...

I always smile a little when I notice someone using "I" when it should be "me" but they think the rule should always be "I" - you know? The rule isn't that difficult.

Morgan said...

Do you even know how happy it makes me to find others who share my same disdain for poor grammar?! Oh I just love it! I'm practically obsessed with grammar. I have been since I was maybe 5. I could go on and on about everything about it that drives me insane for DAYS, but I think I'll spare you the misery.

I'm not sure if you love grammar as much as I do (I do realize that this passion of mine is somewhat abnormal.) If so, you would probably love "Woe Is I" (Patricia O'Conner). I don't know if you've ever read it before. It's pretty much just a guide to better English, but what I love about it is the author's love for grammar. It's basically amazing.

Jill said...

i'm officially never sending you a text or email again. :)

ps. i might need a grammar lesson. i know for a fact i ALWAYS use "I" when i should be using "me". or "me" when i should be using "I". you know what i mean.

jocelyn said...

i love the "i" and "me" thing. you can totally tell when people think they are being intelligent by using "i" in every situation, and they have no idea they are using it incorrectly. ps- i like to hear your book recommendations. i plan on doing a lot of reading in the next couple of months.

Louise said...

Oh I am with you! My husband makes fun of me for the little annoyances I have with this, but I love the quote you shared from your book - sums it up perfectly. Don't even get me started on texting! I will put that book on my list.

ps. I just re-read the quote again - don't you think it would define the late Elder Neal A. Maxwell perfectly? He is someone who truly captured the enchantment and beauty of language. Have you ever read his biography? You should add it to your list. It is a treat.