Jul 12, 2009

There's no shortage of sugar in the East Village.

Mike, his brother Dave & I went to grab arepas for lunch on Saturday, with the intention of snagging some ice cream afterwards at our favorite East Village shop. The latter would have worked out perfectly were it not for the fact that apparently our friends at Australian Homemade failed to pay their rent, & had been evicted three days prior (per their neighbor who we consulted for the scoop). It was frustrating as we could literally see the ice cream through the window. Still there, teasing us, screaming at us. Luckily, it's a chain. We have other options. And - Butter Lane is just around the corner.

I love the East Village, even though I really just don't fit in at all.


Unknown said...

And I want your shirt. Really.

Lindsey said...

your shirt is so cute. the cupcake looks good...sorry about your ice cream.

Jill said...

oh thats a shame. thats what i get for being slow to get there.

Missy said...

Your shirt is cute! From??

Such a bummer about the ice cream shop though - I was happy to read that it is a chain.

k. said...

Thank you. :) Shirt is by Splendid - I bought it at a little boutique around the corner from me.

Mike said...

In case anyone was wondering, MY shirt is from the Polo outlet.