Nov 7, 2009

We went to the Hamptons.

It's my new favorite spot in the Northeast. And November? A perfect time to go. We had fun.

(1 day = about 500 photos. More soon.)


Katherine said...

love the picture. Can't wait to see more.

mb said...

Ah! What a perfect day to go too

noelle said...

so i'm happy for you with your new job. but i'm sad for us, b/c will you be blogging less? i will really, really, REALLY miss your photos! go on and post those hampton photos to tide us over, will you?

Missy said...

Oh I have heard about the hamptOns being incredible. Can't wait for pics.

UnoCosa said...

fantastic photo .... xx

Angie said...

Love that photo. 500 in one day? I can't wait to see more! I need to be more like you. I get so distracted with the event or activity and forget to take photos. I need to make it a priority to take pictures of everything. How do you do that?