Dec 1, 2009

Thanksgiving should always include things like guacamole, cilantro & pina coladas.

Thanksgiving dinner, at Fajita Republic in Nuevo Vallerta. Fajitas are one of my very favorite foods, & turkey is one of my least favorite foods, so this just worked out really well.

Harrison is missing from this photo because he was too sleepy to make it to dinner. Lots of boogie boarding & such.

More Mexico photos soon.

(By the way, can you even believe that it's December already?! I cannot, even though I forced myself to listen to Christmas music all morning. I accept it, but I'm not ready for it.)


Corinne said...

What Christmas music do you like? I'm such a scrooge--it's not my favorite thing at all. Besides Sufjan Stevens, Low and Motab. I need some suggestions...

k. said...

I like:

Hotel Cafe - Winter Songs
Jon Schmidt - Winter Serenade (for Sundays)
Pottery Barn's Jazzy Christmas album (all piano jazz?)
Sarah McLachlan - Wintersong (amazing)
James Taylor - at Christmas
Josh Groban - Noel

I think Enya has a cool album. I like Sufjan's, obviously. I followed friend Missy's advice & have been listening to "Christmas Folk" on Pandora. It's turned up some good random finds, too.

Look for my email. I'm brewing an idea.

k. said...

PS - I really, really hate Manheim Steamroller (is that even how you spell it? whatever). It's unfortunately a Whiting Family favorite. It makes my brain hurt.

Kelsey said...

The Carpenters Christmas Collection is our favorite around here. We also really like Nat King Cole's album "The Christmas Song."

Confession: I've been listening to our "holiday cheer" mix on our itunes since Halloween.

Kera said...

did i not make a comment on these photos? all these pictures are amazing.