Feb 16, 2010

Hello, blog.


I'm still in Utah, & actually just changed my flight this very second to fly home tomorrow instead of the red eye (ugh) tonight. What's another day? I've only been here 10 (!!). Another reason to stay - Mike's catching a flight to San Diego tonight & is there for the rest of the week (Missy, I'm coming with him next time). New York will be more fun when he's back & we're together. In the meantime, friends - I'm excited to see you. Let's play.

Joanna got married. It was was perfect, & she looked perfect & everyone was perfectly happy, happy.

My entire family was together for the first time in years. Three? I don't think anyone even cried (except for happy tears). This was good. I got a haircut (that I 99.9% loved) the day before all of the festivities began, but the bangs were (per usual) a little too short for comfort. This was bad.

Things I need to post about:
  • The cute family photos of Kellie & Nick that I took up in Salt Lake last week.
  • The trazillion photos I took of my family & sibling's individual families. 
  • Joanna's wedding photos (I wasn't her photographer, but I pretended to be). 
  • A list of all the food I've eaten this week (+ subsequent weight gain, of course). Cafe Rio, Pizza 712, Cafe Trio, In N Out, Magelby's, Guru's, Red Iguana, Ben's Cookies, Ruth's Diner. Let's spell together: D-E-T-O-X.
  • The ridiculous videos of the Hudson family trying to dance at Joanna's reception (read: TRYING). 
  • Etcetera. 


jocelyn said...

cute cute photo. i think utah is fun to visit. i looove ben's cookies.

Amy said...

Cute pic! Time to come home, though. =)

Kera said...

it is just plain mean that you have video of the dancing. heaven help us
i can't wait to see all of the pictures. please tell me one of our family turned out ok because we didn't get any . . . sad.

Kera said...

oh. and that photo is adorable.

C & E Hudson said...

very fun,, good to see everyone,, excited to see what pictures you got. :-)

mb said...

cute.cute. I love that pic. Welcome home!

Jill said...

gah. love the picture. i'm excited for your updates & especially for you to be back!

Tara said...

Be nice! There wasn't supposed to be documentation of our killer moves! It will end up on the internet being shared by millions!

Emily said...

Sounds like your trip was awesome! I'm so happy for your sister. Also, I made Shake Shack hot chocolate for my Mardi Gras party this weekend - it is delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Morgan said...

Oh my, this is absolutely precious! I can't wait to hear all about your trip!

Missy said...

love that photo. please, please come next time. jen is coming down this weekend. us three together?! could have been the ultimate fun weekend.

Debbie said...

I don't think my comment went through. Very fun to browse through all the Hudson fun times from last weekend. Heres to many many more ahead!