May 24, 2010

Happy Monday.

Strawberries + Angel Food Cake for breakfast? Twist my arm.

(Thanks for the leftovers, Suzi.)


Paulson Family said...


I don't know you but I LOVE reading your blog. I live in Colorado and I am bringing my 10 year old to New York for a Mother/Daugher weekend this Wednesday. I have got so many great ideas from your blog and just wanted to say Thank You! I brought my oldest daugher to New York 3 years ago and did not know where to go. Congratulations on everything going on in your life! What an exciting time! Maybe I will say Hi if I happen to see you at church:) Thanks again!


noelle said...

shoot. this looks SO much better than the cheerios i just ate...

k. said...

Hi Krista! So glad you're coming for a visit. :) Hope the weather turns from rainy to sunny for you - if not, bring your rain boots & a sturdy umbrella & you'll be set!
