May 9, 2010

Ladies Excursion + Mother's Day.

Erin (+ Indie), Corinne (+ Ada) & I made an excursion down to Chelsea Market the other day for shopping (the new Anthropologie is pretty), eating (202) & wandering (Highline Park). It was a good excursion with just the girls.

Separately, but sort of related I guess - I was thinking about Mother's Day as I looked through these photos tonight. Three thoughts:

1) I'm grateful for my mother. She raised me well. She is a wonderful mother, & continues to be my friend. I love her, & I love how excited she is for Baby Boy (even though he's lucky grandchild #16!!). Her enthusiasm means the world to me.

2) Ditto for my sisters.

3) I am grateful for my friends in New York who are such good mamas. I'm lucky that I've gotten to see them raise their babies, & they've been nice to let me tag along so often. I hope, I hope, I hope I can be like them someday. I love them today, too.


Missy said...

Happy Mother's Day to you Kathryn.

This was a fun post, maybe because I felt some anticipation for you? Either way, you have so much to look forward to. (and wonderful examples surrounding you, obviously)

Jill said...


Kera said...

we had a hard time telling if that was you holding the baby or not! crazy. i had to look at the hands to figure it out.

erin said...

thanks for being a friend-momma to my younglings. they love you, and b-dub is a lucky lad.

Lindsey said...

Yes, you and your friend look alike...same hair.

Cute babies.

noelle said...

these are so, so cute of indie! you are going to be a wonderful mama, k. i just can't wait for you!