Sep 3, 2010

Throwdown with Bobby Flay.

After two attempts & a broken (now fixed) DVR, I finally watched Throwdown at Maribeth's apartment last night (while eating my dinner of ice cream from Emack & Bolio's). It was really fun to see the finished product of the show that we participated in, even if it made me slightly depressed.

  • I'm really glad I captured that second shot (gross). I was obviously quite eager to taste that pie. I love that Maribeth is sitting there laughing at me, probably because it was like watching a fat kid eat cake (Mike laughed when I said that, so I had to write it - thank you 50 Cent). 
  • At 22 weeks pregnant, I thought I was SO. BIG. I was not. I would kind of die to be that size again, because now I look just like Humpty Dumpty right before he suffered his great fall & shattered into a million pieces, & I'm finding that I generally walk around with what is probably considered a grimace on my face (& people don't like people who permanently grimace). 
  • More mascara probably would have been a good idea. Or eyeliner, period. Or both.
  • I need to make a banana cream pie ASAP. It's my favorite (next to peach pie).
  • Or go to Baked, & eat theirs (+ their salted caramel brownie). Because as good as Bobby's pie was, Baked used peanut butter. Enough said.


Jill said...

I'm still ticked I wasn't able to go to that. And yes, we will go to Baked for a salted caramel brownie. That has been on my to-do list for quite some time.

Idea: Maybe we should make Magnolia's banana pudding concoction on Sunday?

Heidi said...

I wanted Baked to win! I'm envious you got to try both- yum!

Watching you on tv was weird to me. It suddenly made you seem fictional, even though I know you. Strange.

Missy said...

What? I would have loved to see this in real life (or on tv, I suppose). So fun.