Sep 21, 2010


Well, technically this photo is from yesterday.

I wanted to write about Quinn's birth today. So much to remember. 5 nights ago, almost to to the minute! Kind of crazy to think about. I'm not sure if it feels like a year ago, or just like yesterday.

It didn't quite happen. The writing about it part. I'm not exactly sure what we did instead (besides a quick visit to Park Avenue Pediatrics for his first appointment, & visits from a few people), because the days & nights are sort of a continuous blur right now, & the repetition (eating, sleeping, diaper & repeat) makes things fuzzy.

And the amount of photos I have right now - that I LOVE - is sort of overwhelming.  

So for now - a photo from our first walk. It was a block (well, two round-trip) & that's about all we (I) could manage for now. I'm trying to take it easy, but per usual, I'm not very good at that, & sometimes pushed limits result in quick (& painful) regret. Note to self: when they say don't lift anything heavier than your baby (e.g. the base of your stroller when getting into a cab), they aren't really kidding.

So. I didn't write today, & I didn't blog any of my favorite photos from our first days with Baby Q.  I didn't do a few small errands that I wanted to check off. I didn't write any of the thank you cards that I've been wanting to send. I didn't call the friends I've been meaning to call.

But Quinn slept this evening after I fed him, all curled up on my chest. He was perfectly quiet, perfectly still except for his calm breaths, & perfectly content with his situation & his day - so I can be too.

I'll post photos tomorrow (& tell the story of the crazy woman, of course - she was a gem of a human being who just has no business being a mother, let alone touching my child). 


Tara Edwards said...

Here's an idea. Use your iphone to record your voice telling the story. Then later, when you have a moment, listen to the story, and type it up. Holding your baby is way more important right now.

Heidi said...

I know you are a list checker offer but now is the time to really take a brief break and just cuddle that babe and sleep when he sleeps. Send Mike on the errands!

Jill said...

i'm loving your stroller. keep taking it easy. slower, slower, slower. before you know it you'll be chasing quinn around.

Lindsey said...

Love this pic!

Jennifer said...

Great photo. This is such a great time--enjoy it. And the stroller is hot.

Kera said...

Are you in less pain today :( I felt so bad for you the other night. Soon you will be back to your usual self, like when you stop breast feeding, or when Quinn turns 18 and moves out. Enjoy.

Missy said...

Love this photo of you three.

I don't want to be some annoying friend that says to just stay put, but really. Kick up your feet and tell people to bring you what you need:)

Missy said...

(and now I feel bad that I made it sound like the other people telling you this are annoying. I meant it most about myself being the 7th person to tell you to stop checking things off your list, you probably didn't need one more person to tell you. but, I'm chiming in anyway:)