Sep 30, 2010

Two weeks.

Two weeks, what?! The first week was a blur, & this second week has sped by far too quickly.

14 days old
1/2 tube of Lansinoh lanolin
1 can of Dermoplast numbing spray
100 IBU tablets
-18 pounds
3 trips to Shake Shack
2 packages of Costco wipes
2 bags of Epsom salt
8-10 diapers per day
1/2 dozen loads of laundry
Lots of visits from friends
Not enough sleep

Random photos from days 7-14, because I like them (including sister-in-law + new Aunt Cara, Quinn testing out his new lounger [he's okay with it], when friend Suzi came over to play, & the first attempt at the Bjorn).


mb said...

he totally has your face shape

Unknown said...

the little bundle in the bouncer is funny. I like the picture of him + mike on the quilt best. his expression is perfect. (numbing spray? I had no idea..)

Louise said...

How has it been two weeks already?! He is so so tiny. Agree with Kelli - him and Mike on the quilt is my favourite.

You sound like (asides from a lack of sleep) that you are doing great! I'm so pleased for you!

Jan said...

Agree w/ Louise. And look at him in happy and snug.

patrick said...

I mean this in no way but as a compliment, but does Q look just a little bit like Bruce Lee, only white?

Katherine said...

Quinn is so cute. Glad you are doing well. Epson salt?? please share!

Reagan said...

he...he is completely beautiful. but in a manly way.

Tara Edwards said...

I love the first picture of Quinn and Mike looking at eachother! And you are so pretty!! And his little leg sticking out of the Baby Bijorn is so tiny!

Meg said...

so sweet. cuteoverload.

Globe Trecker said...

Congrats! I'm a friend of a friend of Joanna's (if that isn't too confusing already!)and have always had fun with your recipes and especially your pictures on this blog. Your pictures are fantastic, as usual. Thought I'd stop by and say hello and congrats.