Oct 4, 2010


We put him in the carseat when we were leaving Saturday morning & then had to adjust the straps. What?! He's growing! I'm so curious as to what the pediatrician says on Wednesday. I bet he's over 7 pounds - maybe even 7 & a half?! A giant.


Joanna said...

Wow... that is the cutest picture ever. I love it!!

Jill said...

so cute. and i loved him in his little hat on sunday.

Heidi said...

Aw, he is cute! And below, he looks so content all bundled up in that stroller (pram?). I bet he loves going for walks like that.

Missy said...

Love babies in those comfty-cozy feet outfits. He is filling that one out (?!) - is it for 7 lbs?

Alissa said...

Heart = melting.

Tara Edwards said...

Can you have him just stop till I get there? Pretty Please!

k. said...

Missy, yup - he can't fit into 0-3 months yet. Poor guy. His wardrobe options are quite limited right now...

Lindsey said...

look at that gorgeous face! could there be a cuter face than that? i think not.

Julia said...

seriously, this might be the cutest picture ever. It totally makes me miss having a little baby.

Morgan said...

Oh my goodness! SO cute.