Jan 26, 2011


Q isn't a huge fan of tummy time. Yesterday - he really just wanted to relax. Oh well. It made for nice, sharp photos, & with the gross weather this week, we're both in mellow moods.

His eyes have settled on green. Being his green eyed mama, I'm pleased with this.

(& his shirt from Aunt Jill is quite perfect I think, too.)


Emily said...

Kathryn, he is so handsome! Your photography skills are so amazing - these are such lovely photos.

Ylrac said...

that last picture is my favorite.
p.s. I only changed pajamas today cause june peed on me. dang snow.

Missy said...

oh that third one is just adorable.

I remember avery doing the same thing. just "resting" during tummy time.

Jill said...

i love these. and i already made a comment about green being his color....but it really is! so cute.

and i say a day (or 2, in my case) in jammies is perfectly acceptable.

Alissa said...

GORGEOUS eyes, just like his Mamma!!!