I snapped these after church on Sunday. I love a baby in soft & cozy things best, but Q looking like a BOY? Love.
I've decided that God invented 9am church to see if I really mean it. Like, if I'm really committed or not. Right now, I feel just about committed enough to want to be on the every-other-week schedule, but despite Mike suggesting that we stay home (it was freezing! & I was exhausted), I managed to get us out the door & to church on time. Barely.
Prepare for new mama whining: Getting out the door by 8:40am or so is a little tricky when you have a husband who has to be to church by 7:30am for meetings, & a child who is wakes up between 7 & 7:30am. He is of course wanting to bed fed, changed, dressed & entertained - & then put down for a nap (in his stroller, so we can transport him) by 8:30am at the very, very latest - risking absolute sadness / meltdown if delayed. Getting myself ready is always an adventure, if I give myself the simple luxury of sleeping until he wakes up (with sleep still being a precious commodity). I've learned to take three minute showers, & to be ready & out the door in twenty. Shaving my legs is a luxury (lucky Mike).
Prepare for new mama whining: Getting out the door by 8:40am or so is a little tricky when you have a husband who has to be to church by 7:30am for meetings, & a child who is wakes up between 7 & 7:30am. He is of course wanting to bed fed, changed, dressed & entertained - & then put down for a nap (in his stroller, so we can transport him) by 8:30am at the very, very latest - risking absolute sadness / meltdown if delayed. Getting myself ready is always an adventure, if I give myself the simple luxury of sleeping until he wakes up (with sleep still being a precious commodity). I've learned to take three minute showers, & to be ready & out the door in twenty. Shaving my legs is a luxury (lucky Mike).
Sundays also means that we have a baby that doesn't always nap at church, which of course means a tired baby & spending much of the first hour trying to get him to nap (& subsequently missing any value that would be potentially obtained by attending church in the first place). It also means a protein bar for breakfast during that first hour for me - because of course I didn't have time to eat anything before I left - with the general dizziness / starvation overriding any sensibility I have that perhaps eating in church is rude.
And then - the second hour - Quinn has his brunch. So, we're somewhere semi-private, maybe on a couch in the hall, maybe in the mother's lounge. I'm generally on my phone - perusing Facebook, reading the news, or creating various lists (groceries, to do, etc). Maybe I should read the scriptures so that I get something out of the second hour of church.
The third - he looks happy & cute, charms all of the ladies sitting around him, is generally well behaved & performs well in terms of keeping up the appearances that he has a reasonably responsible & capable mother who is raising a happy & well adjusted child. And then - by the last 10 minutes or so, he's tired enough that we rush out the door in order to get him home before he falls asleep. It's a total sprint, but victory is sweet.
It's a total pain. But he's cute, right? I guess that makes it all worth it.

Brand new! || 18 days || 31 days || 38 days || Seven weeks || Nine weeks || Eleven weeks || Fifteen Weeks
I wanted to tell you yesterday how cute he looked. I can't get enough of those cheeks! But in that outfit, he looks like a little man. He really is darling.
Wow. They grow up so fast. And he's looking at donkey--that's awesome!
That tie, killin' me. I still think of your phrase 'the incredible shrinking donkey' every time I see these photos. love.
So I may be one of those basically-strangers who reads up on your life that you referred to in one of your recent posts, but I can't resist commenting on how incredibly darling he looks in these photos.
I probably offend people every time I blog, don't I? :)
Caitlin, you're my friend on facebook, I have your email address, & you've stayed with us at the cabin. That doesn't really count as being a stranger. :)
pretty soon these pictures are going to get extremely hard to snag. crawling. it's coming. soon.
you have to take him to church when he looks that good. no brainer.
Can I just say that I think I shave my legs once a month? Gross! Thank heavens for leggings, tall boots, and tights. He is looking so big!
And I completely agree with the girl above me (Erin). Enjoy taking pictures while he is not mobile. It's honestly a miracle to get a picture of him alone now days, he is always on the move!
Oh and Davis was wearing the exact same thing on Sunday as well (different tie). Surprise! :)
Such a cute little man! I'm sure he's well-loved by all at church. Great job on all the organizing and getting out the door on a bitter cold day! I'm impressed.
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