Jan 21, 2011

In Utah.

We: made the obligatory food stops at In 'n Out & Cafe Rio, & Magleby's Fresh // drove up to Sundance (my favorite) // spent lots of time with sisters Elizabeth & Joanna // saw a few friends (J & Kellie at Market Street Grill for brunch, Mindy at Fashion Place Mall & Erin at her home in Provo) // had a lovely dinner at Log Haven with Mike's brother Dave + girlfriend Lauren (Q behaved quite well) // introduced Q to Grandma Whiting in Mapleton

(Last year when we were in Utah around this time I was 8 weeks pregnant. This year, we had Quinn with us. Fun! And less nauseating, which was a lovely change.)

*I will also admit to eating a sausage, egg & cheese McGriddle for breakfast one morning. I promise I only do this once a year. It was SO. GOOD. Shh. 

1 comment:

Lula. said...

I am so sad to say that I haven't checked your blog in, well, I can't remember .

Your Q should be in magazines. He seems like he is so happy! Plus he's just beautiful.

Ben told me as you were leaving that you guys were in town... I know its always busy, but if time permits, next time you should stop by.

Oh, and I loved your Christmas card.

Now, here I go to catch up on the Whitings...