Mar 7, 2011


We're home! We're happy / sad about this.

We all loved being in Colorado. Loved it! Loved the mountains & the fresh air, loved the snow, loved being with family, loved relaxing, loved eating yummy food, loved laughing with Kera until tears squirted out of my eyes. It was just a really nice trip. Quinn even slept relatively well for us (he is a terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad travel sleeper, generally), which restored our faith that we can happily travel with him. And the airplane - a total breeze both ways, thanks to bulkhead seats (+ Q's own seat on the way out), & Mike's supernatural ability to swaddle Q on his lap & rock him to sleep. It's an amazing talent that I only wish I could replicate - especially when I have to travel alone. There were two couples on our flight home who were also on our flight out, & they mentioned how excited they were to see our little babe again, especially since he was so good from JFK - Denver. This was a wonderful thing to hear (& experience!), but also means that my solo upcoming flights are sure to be complete disasters. You know, because that's how the universe works. 

More soon. In the meantime, there is unpacking. And laundry! And I'm looking out the window & the sky is bright blue, so I'm going outside!


Kera said...

I felt like the trip (from our point of view) went without a hitch. So so fun. I already can't wait for next year! Thanks so much for making the effort, and coming out west! :)

Kera said...

PS: I already miss Mr. Quinn.

Missy said...

I want to be in Q's outfit - it looks so comfortable!

Julie said...

I'm pretty sure his wardrobe is bigger than mine. Does he ever repeat? :)

Amy said...

Kathryn! These are so beautiful! I'm so glad you were able to get someone to take pics of YOU this time. These are so fun.