I'm kind of an emotional wreck. Well, maybe mostly an emotional wreck, & by mostly, I mean I'm keeping things together the majority of the time. I mean, I hadn't cried in probably a week until yesterday, when sweet friend Noelle gave me a beautiful book full of Central Park photos. A lovely gift! So sweet & thoughtful. I'm sure that the photos are beautiful, but every time I try to look at it, everything gets blurry & my eyes start leaking. This deep-seeded homesickness just overtook me, & I haven't been able to shake it. It was exacerbated this morning when I had my very first encounter with a cockroach (besides on the sidewalk in NYC). The little monster was the size of a lobster dinner & probably as smart as your average kindergartener. I screamed my heart out, briefly considered abandoning my first born to fend for himself, tried to catch it with a glass bowl (fail), & finally ran to the closet for my Dyson. I grabbed the hose, & pointed it at him. He stared me at me directly in the eyes, turned & sprinted in the opposite direction. My vacuum was too much for him though, & I was victorious. I was heart-beating-out-of-my-chest-terrified, Quinn was screaming, & we were all just kind of a mess (including the now-dead cockroach, in my vacuum filter). It was honestly the biggest act of bravery in my short life, & I was shaky for a solid half-hour. Did I mention it was huge? HUGE. In my beautiful, clean kitchen! I almost bought a plane ticket back to New York, where for the record, we never had a roach or a rodent in 6+ years.
But really - this homesickness - it hit me fully while out this afternoon, at the grocery store naturally. Because who doesn't have complete emotional breakdowns next to the vegetables? HEB is basically bigger than your average Costco, & I couldn't find anything (but did find 2,462 varieties of BBQ sauce). And no one knew what pancetta was (excuse me?!), I had just murdered my very first + serious pest & I was tired. So I did what normal people do. Vegetables. Tears. Sigh.
I feel a little bit better now, especially since our internet & cable were finally set up today (three cheers!), our security system was installed this afternoon, the bug guys are scheduled to come tomorrow & un-invite all of the little monster's friends & family from ever coming into my home again, & my sweet husband is finally home after being away all week (I decided to be a good wife & cook him dinner for the first time in what feels like weeks - Kelsey's Tortellini with Lemon & Dill was amazing, of course).
I keep saying this week that I have real problems. You know, like what rug should I order for my living room, & what kind of window treatments I should do in Q's nursery. There are obviously bigger problems in the world & I'm trying to keep everything in perspective. I'm grateful for all of the positive things around me right now. Pretty neighborhood, pretty house, nice people, a washer & dryer, a garbage disposal, Chick-fil-A... The list goes on & on. Still. I just miss my life. I miss wandering my neighborhood & going for walks, I miss my friends being so close, I miss ordering in, I miss seeing all sorts of crazy & random people everywhere I go, I miss my tiny little apartment, I miss the nice Vietnamese ladies across the street who painted my toes & made my eyebrows look pretty, I miss our ward, I miss Central Park, I miss the food, I miss the vibrance of the city.
I will be fine. Change is so, so very far from being comfortable or easy, but I will. Because I have good friends & family who I get to talk with on the phone often, a good husband who works hard & is kind, & a baby who is super cute when he's naked in the bathtub. That alone makes so many things better.

It WILL be ok! It'll just take a few months. Soon, NY will be a foggy memory. Well, probably not all that foggy, but it will get easier.
I can't let it go...
With a tub like that - you need to bubble your troubles away! :)
I feel your pain at the cockroach dilemma. I actually had a similar experience awhile back - I'm not sure exactly what the bug was, but it was big. I was shaky, heart beating, nervous, etc - eventually I vacuumed it up too, but took me a good hour to come down from that escapade.
i am sad for your homesickness. but also, how amazing that you loved and really LIVED new york.
and yes, your baby is super cute!
That tub should take your troubles away... so deep and delicious- looking. Get a big glass of Diet Coke with ice, light a few candles, play some of your favorite fall tunes and enjoy a nice relaxing bath. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you but I have a little hunch... you're going to end up SO amazingly happy there soon. And I know I'm enjoying your suburb/home-owning stories already (i.e. the cockroach - ew, by the way!).
not that it makes it any better, but your buddy was just searching for a drink (and maybe a tiny snack). might make it a _little_ better: his presence doesn't indicate an infestation. and also, everyone here has a regular subscription with abc pest. or in my case, a cat. (:
a roommate and I had a horrifyingly hilarious run-in with a "waterbug" in our college apartment. won't bore you with the whole story, but suffice to say yard-long curly hair + humane "critter relocation" attempt + pillow as nearest accessible weapon = decades of laughs (um. after the fact).
My heart aches for you and I don't even know you. I'm sorry that this is so hard.
Cockroaches are SO YUCKY! Congrats on being victorious.
Quinn looks great and looks like he's enjoying exploring your new world. Your new big world in a big Texas way. It's wonderful to finally have our power and internet back on so we can catch up on the blog and initiate contact with the outside world again after almost a week in the dark. Thanks for all the great pictures. I'm sorry for your pain of homesickness from New York. As you fill up the house little by little, and gradually fill up your lives with new friends and activities things should get brighter. It just takes one good new friend:) And I agree with other posts... enjoy that amazing tub!
I'm moving to houston! The houses are so much prettier than all the ones we've been looking at (for months & months).
I hope you have already taken a great big bubbly bath with a wine glass full of diet coke. :)
Love you & love these photos!
Not to totally freak you out, but I've been told that when you vacuum a bug, you should plug the hose with a sock for 24 hours afterwards to make sure that it cant crawl out. So gross, I know, but I feel better knowing that I killed it for sure!
And yes, your baby is adorable!
love, a friendly,faithful, bug-hating reader from DC (gretchen)
Thanks, friends. xoxo
And Gretchen - hi! Excellent words of wisdom. You'd better believe that I let the vacuum keep running while I watched it's body get shredded to pieces (thank you, clear canister). It was very dead by the time I turned it off (& then immediately dumped into a garbage bag, which was sealed & taken out). Eeewwww.
Was that you I heard screaming? I would have flipped. Jane and I have had our share of bug incidents in our basement and it always makes her cry because I scream. I can't help it! I'm glad the bug didn't survive.
I feel for you so much with your homesickness. I hope things start to pick up for you in your new place soon. I think its so hard being in a new area without connections quite yet. And those breakdowns can happen when you least expect it right? Just when you're longing for something familiar.
You're little rosy-cheeked babe sure is cute though. Thinking of you guys!
My heart started beating harder just reading this. The bug (I've never actually seen a cockroach in real life!), the homesickness, the upheaval of your routine taken away from you, the craving for things to be settled...I know it well. You really aren't alone. But, it does/will get better. Slowly. A weekend will be a quick fix. Enjoy having Mike back!
You are one of the most outgoing friends I have. It will just take time and before you know it, you'll be meeting your friends at the park or walking with them in your BEAUTIFUL new neighborhood. Breathe, it will all take time and before you know it this part of adjusting too will be a blur. Promise! You are strong + amazing + invincible. It will all be okay. Love you...and LOVE Q's pics in the bathtub - to die for!!!
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