Sep 13, 2011

Priest Lake 2011.

I don't really even remember when we went to Priest Lake this summer. Was it August? Late July? We've been busy! But how could I not post about our summer tradition at the cabin? It's all kind of a blur, & the details are fuzzy, but what I do remember is that we had a really lovely time & it was so nice to be with my family. Perfect weather, wonderful food, lots of family & no drama (a Hudson family first, I'm quite sure). Besides the fact that Quinn decided that he wanted to co-sleep every night (& every nap! Europe built some bad habits that we are thankfully done with), we just had a really nice, relaxing time. And our baby! Oh my gosh, this boy loved the water. Loved the water. He played on Grandpa's beach every day (he built a new platform over the last year, just below the water & especially for his smallest grandchildren - my dad's love for us is manifest in his double hip replacements & always-golden tan from always being outside working at the cabin), sat on the beach, went for boat rides, played with his cousins, & Grandma gave him his first hair cut. Despite the fact that it was less relaxing with the three of us than in years past (fewer naps + more responsibility), I love Priest Lake even more now that I get to experience it through Quinn's eyes. The upcoming summers are going to be so fun (especially since we'll be needing to escape from the Texas heat).

Also - look how much Q has changed since our trip in April! Whoa. 

I would also like to give my family a big internet group hug. They're good people, nice friends & I'm generally really happy to call them my own. We don't always have perfect relationships - the tattoo on my kneecap from where Elizabeth stabbed me with a pencil when we were little is evident of this, as is the notch in my parents headboard from when one of my sisters maybe tried to kill one of my brothers with an aerosol can - but we really love each other. We talk often, & we're a really close family, but I'm  still extra grateful to my mom & dad for providing such a great place for us so that we can be together, in person. Almost often enough.

(Per usual, lots & lots of photos - But this year, they are in no particular order, nor did I have time to fuss with the majority of them. Or to wear anything other than a swimsuit + the same fedora & sunglasses every day! Oh well.)


erin said...

1. love your family. adopt me.
2. danner is the perfect family dog.
3. i love that you all have major dslrs and take major excellent photos.
4. has quinn ever taken a bad picture? no. he has not.
5. i bet you feel so much better to have these blogged. breathe, happy sigh.

ellen said...

Quinn in the life jacket? Adorable.

Louise said...

These are fabulous! I just want to squish Q's little bare bottom!! What a beautiful place, I always love when you post about Priest Lake!

Kylie Whiting said...

i think this is the first time i've ever seen a baby/toddler happy while wearing a life-jacket. way to go quinn!

also, i love the photo of q pulling on your hat. so cute.

Missy said...

this place sounds like a dream.

I kept telling myself, Oh mention that one in the comment. so cute. but then the list got to be too many and really they are all amazing and everyone looks happy and relaxed. exactly what summer should be about. so glad this is a forever place so I can watch (via the blog) q grow up going there.

Whitney said...

You are blessed my friend with such a beautiful & loving family.

It brings a smile to my face and makes my heart happy for you!