Nov 8, 2012

He was a fox.

I spent approximately 4 minutes finding Q a costume for Halloween this year. Really, it was just poorly timed with other major life events for us, & I didn't have the time or energy to do anything more. 

So. He was a fox. A cute one, I think - & he actually loved wearing it (although he was thoroughly convinced he was a dog). He raided the candy stash that was waiting for our trick or treaters just before we put him in his costume, & then we walked across the park for a neighborhood gathering before knocking on the doors of a few of our neighbor friends. Sweet West didn't get any photos taken of him that evening (in his little devil stocking cap & striped leggings) since he was screaming his brains out the entire time - although I suppose that was fitting given his costume. 


Mike gets credit for these photos, because I was too busy trying to get West to take a binky, or bouncing West, or puting West in the carrier (fail)... But really, this poor second child is already under-documented. Sorry, Little Brother.

(Last year - a donkey. The year before - a lion.)


Meg said...

The very cutest fox!

erin said...

yeah, that's a cute one. i love how he has to lift his head to see out.

Corinne said...

Wearing shorts on Halloween? NOT FAIR.