Nov 11, 2012

I turned 30.

One of the inevitables of living in New York City was that (almost) everyone eventually left. That meant going through more than a few heartbreaking experiences of watching dear friends pack up their families & move elsewhere, while we stayed.

(And then we left, too. What then felt like a betrayal now just feels like... an unavoidable inevitable.)

But true friends! The happy news is that we stick no matter where we all go - & I was lucky to meet some of my closest friends in the city. The gradual scattering hasn't hampered those friendships, but I've still wished so badly to have them down the street, or in the same state - or even, just for a little bit, to get the chance to introduce them to the new life that we've built here in Texas (because them not knowing it just doesn't feel quite right).

I turned 30 a few weeks ago & got the happiest surprise. An Instagram post with a knock, knock & two girls who I love like sisters standing on my front porch.

I cried - in part because I was so happy, & in part because it had been a really hard few weeks with a lot of not so great things. But the bigger part being that happy part.

The weekend was so quick (especially since Suzi had to jet back on a flight early Sunday morning to avoid getting stuck here thanks to Ms. Sandy) & I barely remember how we spent all of our time. I know there was some late night Chick Fil A, the Lind's party, & an incident where we waited for a table at Cheesecake Factory for 20 minutes only to sit down & realize that we were in fact actually at PF Changs (Who does this?! A concrete example of why moms need vacations away from their babies every so often - because clearly our brains were totally fried). Erin & Suzi re-acquainted themselves with Q (that took about 3 seconds until he was enamoured all over again), spent much of Saturday cleaning my house, helping Mike get ready for the party he had planned for me, & playing with my babies. It was all happy. 

(Co-mothering is always the best situation, really. I miss our within-walking-distance apartments in New York & almost-daily gatherings.)

Mike catered the party with food from a favorite local BBQ place. I felt a little silly (I haven't had a birthday party in a long time), but I really loved having so many of my favorite people all in one spot.

Both of my boys ended up being total disasters for much of the party. A tired Q politely asked everyone to Go! Go! Go! the entire time amidst somewhat constant tears, & West... he was just sad (I blame you, dairy products - also, I can't wait to see you again in 6 months).

My friend Leigh asked the other day if I had a good time with my sisters in town (she'd seen photos on Facebook). This warmed my heart. Also, I took a shameful number of photos over the weekend, but that means we had a really great time.

(JL, missed you so much. GT2013 or bust.)

Excuse the blurry iPhone snaps.

Our house was quiet Sunday afternoon after everyone left. 


Meg said...

This is truly amazing. Such wonderful friends!

Kylie Whiting said...

Loving all these posts! And I've said it before (so has everyone else) and I'll say it again: you and Erin are twins! Also, I thought everyone lost their hair post baby? Yours looks thick and awesome.

mb said...


Jill said...

I'm really still so sad I couldn't be there. But I loved looking through all of these pictures! And I am so happy you had a kick A birthday party. Viva GT2013,14,15,16..........!

erin said...

the best.

i need to give you some video.

Morgan said...

That is the kind of surprise that dreams are made of. So, so sweet. I'm so glad to hear that your birthday was a happy one!

Missy said...

Excuse me while I catch up on blogs tonight. This is why I can only do one form of social media at a time. And why I am back on the blog wagon. What a happy, special day. You don't look older than 25 and have two little boys that makes me want a little boy in my life. xo.