Oct 29, 2008

Miss him.

Mike is out of town & has been on a cross-country flight for the last 6 hours, which means that his cell phone rings just once & then goes to his voicemail whenever I try to call. I don't like his voicemail. It's not really his real voice- it's his serious-professional-grown-up voice. I like him, in person, much better. I'd like to talk to him, just because, but I can't. No fun.
In lieu of Mike in the flesh, I read through his funny blog archives instead. He's clever & witty & makes me giggle. I think he should be the main contributor to our blog from now on. He's way cooler than I am.


Jill said...

so so funny. i love the multi-tasking post.

Lindsey said...

I am still laughing from the president one.