Mar 14, 2009

Saturday = Shopping Day (unfortunately, for food - not for the yellow heels I'm dying to have).

The enchiladas are one of my favorite meals, ever. If you're reading this, I've likely made them for you. I haven't tried the Greek Stuffed Peppers (I love peppers) or the Turkey Meat Loaf, but both look so good + easy. Good + easy is my only requirement for food, by the way. Especially the easy part. Oh, & maybe healthy, too. Anyway. The Parmesan-Herb Crusted Salmon is one of our favorites, except that Mike hasn't quite converted to being a lover of things that come from the sea (like I am), so we generally do chicken. This time - we're giving fish another shot. The mini-meatballs? They're so flavorful, & make life a lot easier when you make them ahead of time. Along with a batch of chocolate chip cookies, it's one of my favorite things to have in my freezer. They're delicious (with or without bacon), easy, & make it really easy to cheat. Buy some pasta, some great sauce, a bag of salad, pop them in the oven & voila. A meal, in about 20 minutes

Wish me luck. I get a gold star if I actually make all of these. 


Katherine said...

Those all sound so good! I will have to give some of them a try, thank you for posting your menu. I want to hear about these yellow heels??

Ryan said...

I think you deserve a gold star just for making the list... how's the wifi working?

Lindsey said...

i love that i have some new ideas from your menu! let me know how the turkey meay loaf is, because I saw that in RS and it look worth trying. I'll try your parmesan salmon this week, i think!

Mr. D said...

I think I'll have to go for the Greek stuffed peppers. I have all the ingredients sitting in my fridge already.

And p.s. If you ever tell me to make a recipe with liver (as indicated in the cartoon above) I am disowning you as my friend. Remind me to tell you why later.

Oh and this is Cait, obviously

Heidi said...

Do you think the mini meatballs would still be tasty with ground turkey instead of ground beef?

Lula. said...

You are a better woman that I.

I usually start the week off with a menu and good intentions. But who's to say what actually happens come Wednesday when I lose enthusiasm and we are eating out of our cereal bowls again...

I am officially inspired to make it through next week's menu plan (just don't expect anything fancy). Thanks!!

k. said...

Ryan - we owe you a gift or something. We are loving our wireless setup. Thank you, thank you. I'm sure good karma will come your way.

Heidi - no idea. The spices might be odd, but give it a shot and let me know. I have a good turkey meatball recipe that I should post...

emily said...

Oh, I forgot to mention - no fish. :) Kidding, only kidding. I will use atleast 3 of these this week. THANKS!! :)

erin said...

you are putting my homemaking skills to shame. i've been wanting to make meatloaf, and i actually have some ground turkey. you've answered my prayers.