Apr 29, 2009

On various topics.

  • Anyone want to go to Shake Shack for lunch today? This photo makes me hungry. Mike & I went last night & shared a Pineapple Upside Down Cake frozen custard on a bench (yum + nice). I told him that Shake Shack - at night during the summer - is my happy place & that we should make a tradition of going on Saturday nights at 10pm (to avoid the line). I love seeing the groups of friends hanging out, the relaxed atmosphere, the babies, the dogs, the lights. It's lovely. Oh - & last night? It was 85 degrees & 26% humidity when we were walking around Soho (I bought the squishiest of flip flops, Mike bought a tshirt). IT. WAS. PERFECT. I'm not looking forward to the days of 85 degrees + 98% humidity. Please stay spring for just a little bit, New York. I love you.
  • I don't remember the last day I wore black. I really don't. I've been really into white lately, which I never used to wear because I don't love obvious lines under my clothes. But I really love a good white tshirt these days. 
  • I'd really love to be the kind of person who never inappropriately uses the words "um" or "like". I'm trying, with my dad as my constant companion in the back of my head. My dad is the king of all things grammar. 
  • I just put in seven (7!) loads of laundry. SEVEN. We are a family of dos. 3.5 loads per person sort of seems like a lot. It's been a busy week. I'm trying to pretend that it's all going to magically fold itself.
  • I need more running tunes. I've been running a lot, which means I listen to the same 58 songs a lot. Should I do another giveaway
  • Oh - & I forgot to mention that I have a chin-zit right now the size of your average Manhattan studio apartment. Mike keeps asking if I'm okay. Why do things like this happen to me at the ripe age of 26 (1/2, tomorrow)? Thanks to all of my nice friends who have withheld laughing & pointing at me in public.
Today's Mileage: We could call it 3 1/2 , but really it was 2 1/2 (1 mile walking to the park, 1 lap around the reservoir, 1 mile run home). 
Details: I walked to the park, desperately waiting for my muscles to loosen up. They never really did. I got to the reservoir. I stretched. For a long time. Still tight. I ran the reservoir (a little over 1 1/2 miles). My legs felt like bricks - lots & lots of bricks. I never got the happy running feeling I was hoping for. I never caught my stride. I was running too fast, & then too slowly. I was exhausted, but not even close to being out of breath. I was hoping to to do 5 1/2 miles today, but just before I finished lap #1, a bug flew in my eye. I couldn't get it out. It made me mad. So I ran home. 
Feelings: Why am I so bad at running this week? Everything just feels off. 
Observations not directly related to running: The park is so beautiful. There are NEW blossoms around the reservoir. Goodbye cherry blossoms, hello big & fluffy purplish blossoms. I'm going to walk back tomorrow, with my camera. 


Heather said...

Oh my! I would SO go with you to the Shake Shack if I lived closer! That picture makes me want to lick the computer screen!

Unknown said...

Personally, I think audiobooks are the only way to go. I get sick of music way too fast for it to motivate me run after run, week after week.

suz said...

YUM! I am now craving a burger and fries! Think I will go hunt one down!

Jan said...

Oh - bug in the eye...Yuck!
I SO remember the time I inhaled a fly. It got caught in my throat....and then it buzzed till it died. It was really taumatic. For years I hated to draw a deep breath,ever, for fear I would do it again.
Some days your body IS just off. Those are the days you should do a stretching routine, or pilates, or yoga....just my opinion.
We just walked three miles.....that was enough. It was about 50ยบ...brisk, but nice.

Missy said...

I'm totally doing this running log when I start training for my marathon...love it and you'll love reading back on it (I still have ones from when I trained years ago)

Some days are just like this. Good for you for listening to your body. When is your race again?

k. said...

Marathon is in October, & I'm running a half at the end of May. I'm just TIRED this week. Ever since the 5K I did last weekend. I just feel blah.

Lizzie said...

If I had seen this earlier today I would have met you at the Shake Shack for lunch. Seriously.

I agree with the Shake Shack(Madison Square Park) being such a happy place. When spring & summer clothes first started coming back into stores this season, I admired them all while imagining wearing them to the shake shack. It's just the perfect warm weather activity. I have so many happy memories there with wonderful friends. I think last Spring/Summer I went there about twice a week. I don't know how I didn't gain 100 lbs.

By the way, with 7 loads of laundry, I hope you have a washer/dryer in your apartment! Good luck folding!

Emily said...

Good white tshirts are important! I like Hanes - what do you have that doesn't show lines?

Sheena said...

I have commented before. (Think on one of your prop 8 posts) I love reading your blog and mostly admiring your photos! If only I had a piece of your talent!

I just thought i would quickly share some of my favorite song i am currently loving while I run.

Boom Boom Pow, Dum Diddly Black Eyed Peas
Day'n'nite Kid Cudi
Ooh Ooh Baby, Britney Spears
Poker Face, Just Dance Lady Gaga
Here I Come Fergie

k. said...

Emily - I really haven't found anything that doesn't show lines, I've just accepted it & don't really care any more. :)

But my favorite white tshirt right now is the tissue v-neck from JCrew - really light & nice. And long.

And Sheena - you're great! Thank you. :)