Aug 1, 2007

I was tagged.

Missy "tagged" me. Oh boy.

Jobs I’ve Had
1. Dental assistant {for my dad- every summer from 7th grade until my sophomore year in college}
2. Retail {Abercrombie & Fitch all through college- yikes}
3. Youth Counselor @ treatment center in Provo
4. Assistant @ McKinsey & Co. my first year in NYC
5. Recruiter for Goldman Sachs for 1 year, now a hedge fund in Greenwich, CT
Places for a Weekend Getaway
1. Priest Lake {although living on the other side of the country would make weekend trips a little easier}
2. Ecce
3. I would like to go to Maine. I think I love Maine.
4. I would like to go to Boston.
5. I would like to go to DC for the Cherry Blossom festival.
Movies I Can Watch Over and Over
1. The Office on DVD
2. Pride & Prejudice
3. Dirty Dancing
4. Beaches
5. Best in Show
6. What about Bob {my Dad’s favorite- he has given all of us copies}
Guilty Pleasures
1. People – a few times a day
2. Rice pudding from The Vinegar Factory {the best ever}
3. Excessive shopping?
Places I’ve Lived
1. Spokane, WA
2. Bellingham, WA
3. Provo, UT
4. New York City
What I First Thought When I Saw Mike
1. He’s really cute {he was super preppy, but with long hair. I’m into preppy, and I liked his “wings”}
2. I think I should go sit next to my brother… {Mike was sitting next to him}
3. I think maybe he’s the one {not that dramatic, but he was different… I knew it}
Places I’ve Been on VacationRecently {since marriage…}
Cancun, Mexico
2. Priest Lake, ID a few times
3. Ecce
4. St. Thomas VI
5. Puerto Rico
6. Paris {okay, it was for work, but we did fun things, too}
7. Utah to visit Elizabeth & Joanna
8. Carefree, Arizona
Favorite Foods
1. Anything fresh- fish, salads, wraps
2. Tara’s Thanksgiving salad
3. Steaks at the lake
4. Christopher’s lemon bars
5. Falafel on the street
6. Thai food
7. Shake Shack
8. Really, really good pizza
9. Fresh pineapple
If I’m In a Jam With Mike, Tactics I Use To Get Out of the Doghouse
1. Hug & “I’m sorry”. No fun to not be friends.
Websites I Visit Daily
1. Blogs
2. Drudge Report
3. People
First Kiss Locations
1. The fire pit at the cabin. That’s where Mike proposed {we had already kissed a few times prior!}.
Places I’d Rather Be
1. The cabin.
2. The dock at the Cabin.
3. On a beach.
4. Anywhere with family/friends

People I Tag: Tara, Elizabeth, Mom, Kera, Erin. Do it!!


Missy said...

Yea! You did it - kinda fun right? It was fun to learn new things about you. I'm with you on the "fresh" food. Love it all - sandwiches, salads etc. I don't have a good oatmeal chocolate chip recipe. Wish I did. Let me know if you come across one...

Patrick&Kera said...

what does this mean. to be tagged :) is this a blog thing?

k. said...

It just means that Missy told me I had to do it, and now I get to tell you to tell you to do it.

Patrick&Kera said...

you mean answer these same questions!

Heidi said...

That was fun I like learning new things about you- you have traveled a ton since you got married!

Jan said...

Seriously? Maybe tomorrow - my neurons have all been shed for the day.

Tara Edwards said...

OK - But not here right? On my blog? This is a lot to process while watching TV and you've made me nervous with all your links!

Lindsey said...

it is fun to learn more about you. I like your food picks. i love pineapple, yummy fresh salads/sandwiches, really good pizza, and really good lemon bars too. I have a great recipe for lemon bars, actually (if you need one).

k. said...

Tara, you just do it on your own blog. And don't forget to replace "kevin" with "mike". :)

Lindsey- I want your recipe. :) please.