Sep 5, 2009

Long weekend (thus far).

Friends Caitlin & Dan are in town staying with us for the weekend. We spent a lot of time at the park (at 84th & 5th Ave.) on Friday & it was beautiful. Little Winston is all grown up & has turned into & cute, giggly little boy. It's fun to have Caitlin (& Dan) here. So far - we've gone to Shake Shack, Caracas Arepas Bar, Butter Lane, the farmer's market at Union Square (I like it on less-crowded weekdays much better), Rockefeller Center for some shopping & Trader Joe's.

Winston is sleeping in our kitchen. His pack 'n play barely fits. That's how small our kitchen is. But the door shuts, we close the blinds & we have a sheet over the windowpane door to keep the light out from the living room. It works great. We're happy they're all here.

We're off to watch BYU football tonight (is it terrible if I just don't care?? I'm a pretty great alum, obviously), picnicking tomorrow at the park & going to the US Open on Monday.

It's a happy weekend. 


Missy said...

Everyone really should own a pair of pink shoes. Those are fabulous. So fun to have friends in town. Especially old friends that you don't have to play the "getting to know you" game.

Sine family said...

I miss the creers. Have so much fun. Wish we were there to join in on the festivities.

Lizzie said...

Those pink shoes are AH-MAZING.

We flew all the way to Texas to go to the BYU game. JT absolutely loves BYU football. While I'm not quite as hardcore, I might have gotten emotional during the minute & a half movie clip about BYU cougars. And the finish ... JT's still hoarse!

Caitlin said...

We had so much fun hitting up all the spots with you. We remember how hard it is to have guests in NYC apartments so we are extra gracious. You are a gem and it was wonderful to see your cute new place.

BTW I forgot to ask you where your cute pink shoes are from. In love!