Jul 2, 2011

Add the Cannons to the list.

Generally, when Q & Eli are near each other, the mauling begins. I'm sure that they're doing it out of love, but the last time they were together, Quinn may have given Eli a bit of a swat that caused some tears. He's still working on learning his manners, clearly.

But these boys! First friends. 6 days apart. And now they're 9+ months old. Zoom. 

We met up with Tim & Amy yesterday afternoon. We went down to Eataly, grabbed some Italian sandwiches + (amazing!) gelato to go, & then ate on blankets in Madison Square Park under a big tree. The weather was perfect, & it was one of those New York City days where you're just bursting with love for the city, the people, the food... & for friends who are like family.

We had to say see you later on the street corner when we were finished - because Tim has completed his oncology fellowship in New York, & Amy received her masters at Columbia, & they're moving to Virginia where they are going to do wonderful things like cure cancer & save babies in Africa. We're happy for them! We are! 

Deep breaths.

Amy & I have had a lot of talks in the past few weeks about leaving. We came to the conclusion that heartbreak is the closest comparison to the feeling of leaving New York. It used to be that it was was only their family that was leaving New York, & I could more-or-less handle that, you know, being a supportive friend. People leave! Several of our closest friends have. Kellie & J went back to Utah, as did Caitlin & Dan. Jill & Brad went to Illinois, Sarah Jane & Nathan moved to California, Erin & Matt landed back in Texas & Jill & Sean moved to Idaho. But there are trains & airplanes, & cell phones & Instagram & Facebook, so really, Virginia isn't so far away from New York. But now! We're leaving too. And while August has maintained it's safe distance away, at the end of summer, all of a sudden, it's July. And our move date is 6 weeks away. And yesterday, I found myself saying goodbye to our dear friends, putting on my bravest face so that Amy would maybe be able to borrow some of mine (bravery, that is - forced as it was). And I did fine! Maybe a few tears leaked out, & we said goodbye with lots of very genuine promises to see each other soon & talk often.

We were walking away & Mike said, We're all growing up. For some reason, that did it. Suddenly it was over. Floodgates were opened & the real tears came. Because they're leaving, because we're leaving next, because my friends are scattered around the country now instead of on one relatively tiny little island where we can easily meet in the middle any time. And change is hard. 

I love the saying that friends are family that you choose. I thoroughly relate on several levels, in part  because I have these friends from our time here. And the ones that have left - we're still friends, even closer friends. Like family, really (without the drama, yelling & sibling rivalry, of course).

Everything is going to be okay. 

I'm going to repeat this to myself over & over again over the next few weeks - when I think about Amy leaving New York, & when I think about Quinn leaving his city of birth.


Meg said...

It's going to be more than okay, because you will make it so, for your family. You will! But it's hard, and a mourning period is 100% allowed.

Missy said...

That is a lot of friends that you have said goodbye to! Saying bye is one of my least favorite things. My (very best) friends are all across the country, which makes me sad. But, mail becomes much more fun and talks on the phone are always more treasured. You will be ok.

Still though. Hugs all the way through August...

Jill said...

I bet it makes it so much more surreal to say 'see you later' knowing you're leaving NY too. But you'll be back! and Texas will be so great. I really want to see your new house too!

Amy said...

Oh Kathryn...I've managed to forget a little bit about leaving NY while I've been in France...but this brings my back. It really is going to be okay...eventually. But thank you for being strong when we said goodbye, because I'm sure I would have been even more of a blubbering mess if you had been. I know New York is so close to your heart...I'm glad we get to mourn together and adjust to new lives like we barreled through other challenges together.