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I took 127 photos of Q (& sometimes Donkey) on my bed the other day & um, narrowed it down to these. I expect that Tara will call me in 7 minutes & tell me that they're all very similar but that's okay! We think he's cute, so it's hard to be choosy.
He's almost 8 months old! Much more stable sitting up now (but still a bit tipsy), & obviously not camera shy. We had perfect light & a perfectly happy baby. Fabulous.

A for adorable.
hes so sweet. I am smitten with the dimples. Similar? They are all VERY different facial expressions! lol. I do THE SAME EXACT thing with my kids. Its too hard to narrow things down...
Kathryn, he's beautiful!
too hard to narrow it down, but the two of him tumbling over is so great. I really love this stage in baby age.
gorgeous! i'd have a hard time narrowing it down too!
Oh my! I can't get over how adorable he is. Wow, that smile is to die for! Great photos.
Look at those little gums...He's going to have teeth right soon! Precious, precious.
the combination of sitting up and his hair--i'm catching glimpses of what he'll look like running around as a toddler. que lindo!
They may be similar, but as a 'Mimi' who easily can take 150 photos in a matter of minutes, each one is just different enough that it makes it special! I love the one of Quinn falling over... he is so precious:)
i started laughing when i scrolled down to the first one. he just looks so proud and dignified that he can sit up so well, hah. the cutest!
(also jake and I are sooo guilty of taking millions of pictures of pip. she is going to be 4 in two weeks, and it hasn't worn off yet!)
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