Jun 26, 2011

Donkey & Q at 9 months.

Quinn's sleep routine goes like this: story, song, & then into his crib - where he immediately bear hugs Donkey, rolls over, & goes to sleep. They are friends. 

New! || 18 days || 31 days || 38 days || 7 weeks || 9 weeks || 11 weeks || 15 Weeks || 17 Weeks  || 19 Weeks || 20 Weeks || 6 months || (Almost) 7 Months || 8 Months 


Jan said...

So sweet! I miss him...his soft cheeks, little pudgy hands, sparkling eyes, perfect mouth. We need to Facetime!

Amy said...

Okay, now the tears have started... You have been such a part of my daily life the past few years, I'm actually wondering if I can hold it all together without you! Frequent call are a must, and trips must be planned. Oh boy, this is hard.

Tara Edwards said...

He talks!!!! How cute!! I can't wait for us to play :)

Alissa said...

Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Love them all, especially the one with the donkey on his head. So fun!