Mar 18, 2011

(Almost) Spring with Donkey.

Quinn is wearing yellow today in honor of spring (& stripes, because they're his favorite)! Spring isn't quite officially here (2 more days!), but it's pushing 70˚ & it's the most beautiful day. So. Yellow! We're off to the park in a bit & I'm thinking that my tshirt will be sufficient. Bless those who have to see my pale arms (& I'm really going to miss the days of hiding my post-partum body with sweaters & jackets , sigh). 

A few photos with Donkey, even though Quinn was thinking that this wasn't a very good idea today. In between smothering Donkey with slobbery kisses, he pretty much just yelled for me to stop. 

Brand new! || 18 days || 31 days || 38 days || 7 weeks || 9 weeks || 11 weeks || 15 Weeks || 17 Weeks  || 19 Weeks || 20 Weeks


noelle said...

just clicked on the "brand new" photo of him with donkey. woah. he's ginormous these days.

Jill said...

I wish I could say it was 70 degrees here. We are freezing our butts off, and I swear it's never going to get warm.

ps. remember when I got that shirt for Wyatt/Jude in charcoal at the sample sale? And how it fit Wyatt for about a week and then immediately on to Jude(bc he is kind of fat). And now its too small for him too. It's sad when your kids get big(er)

Whitney said...

Love this! Happy day for spring. NYC winters are too long! Love his shirt, I have been waiting for them to come out with more t shirts this spring. Have not seen hardly any yet. :(