Nov 3, 2009

Central Park is beautiful, & I'll learn to appreciate a slightly different view.

Central Park is so pretty in the fall. The past few weeks have just been so amazing. I can't wait to post some of the photos I've taken. They make me happy.

It's been funning watching the seasons change this year. I lost my job in the middle of the winter. It was really cold, & maybe not an awesome time to be running around New York City, but I took advantage of the free time while I kicked off my search for a new opportunity. I thought that given the bad (terrible) market, it would take at least until spring, but I'd enjoy time until then. I got to know my friends better & explore my hobbies more fully. I picked up a few more pairs of jeans, & figured out where the gym was again. I made a list of the places I still needed to explore after four years in New York, like Chelsea Market.  I started checking things off my list.

Spring in New York was amazing. The blossoms?! The flowers?! So beautiful. It was so nice to be able to enjoy the warmer weather & the extra time. The job market was frustrating, but my wardrobe was slowly transitioning from Dry Clean Only to comfortable & casual, & that was nice. I pretty much stopped wearing black. I forgot what it was like to walk in heels. Almost-daily walks through the park became the norm. We saw Peter, Bjorn & John. Andrew came to visit. I finally met the Statue of Liberty in person. I planned things like Museum Day to make good use of my time in between networking & meetings. We went to the Kevin & Claire's wedding in Arizona. Washington DC for the Cherry Blossom Festival. We spent a weekend in Florida at Disney World. We packed up our apartment in the 90's & moved into a new apartment in the 70's. Ate lots of Shake Shack. I went to Colorado to see Patrick & Kera. We saw Adele.

Summer? Still no job (& some very frustrating moments), but life moved forward. We went to Costa Rica. Such a great trip. Said goodbye to the Bowens. Jenn & I made macaroons from scratch! We went on our first of many couple dates with the Egans (& said hello & goodbye to Billy Mays). Dave got home from his mission. We discovered & got to know Butter Lane fairly well. I cooked more often. I got to go to Priest Lake twice. Twice! Erin & I mourned MJ together in Harlem. We visited Coney Island. I went to Girl's Camp. I got to spend a lot of time with my friend's children at the park. We watched the Mets play at Citi Field. It was wonderful. I liked summer.

Fall. The job search continued. Still. But I was having so much fun, because really, how can you not love fall in New York when you have such great people around you? I spent more time at the park & playgrounds with friends. I signed up for more photography classes. Took thousands of photos. I went & saw Martha. The scarves came out, the humidity went away & everyone was just happier in the city. I started teaching seminary, which was hard - but rewarding, & manageable especially without a job. We saw Ingrid. There were some memorable outings. Friend Jill became a mother & I got to meet Baby Jane.

I've stayed busy. I've been so happy. I've really liked this year. I've been blessed in so many different ways.


When I go back to work this Friday, at the very end of fall, I have really mixed emotions. Like, really excited (income!! a good opportunity!! proximity to JCrew!!) & really, really anxious (Do I remember how to work hard? What will I wear? Will they like me? Will I be good? Will I ever be home before 10pm ever again? Who will cook dinner? Will my friends still love me?). For the past week I've told Mike, I think I should just cry. I think maybe I'd feel better if I just cried. It's been stressful. There are a lot of balls in the air, & I've never learned how to juggle. I officially accepted my offer on Monday, & Monday night I just couldn't help it any more, & the tears flowed - no, they gushed actually. The specifics aren't really for the masses of the www, but transitions are never easy I suppose - professionally or personally. And starting a new job? It's really like your first day of 4th grade all over again. The anxiety is high. I've been murmuring a bit (a lot). I've probably been far too dramatic about it all. But I'm going to really, really miss having so much time doing things that felt really, genuinely valuable to me. I am focusing as hard as I can on being grateful for answered prayers, new opportunities & really great friendships with people that I love that won't go away.

And my new office? The 19th floor of the Time Warner Center, overlooking Central Park. The view is beautiful.


Louise said...

I think this might be one of my all-time favourite posts of yours. Excellently written and beautifully photographed, it reminded me of that scene in "Notting Hill" where Hugh Grant is walking through the seasons. You wrote it brilliantly.

I'm excited for your job (is it similar to previous experience?), although I fully appreciate the transition you are about to go to. If it's any consolation, going back to work after time off is (sadly) like riding a bike (it will all come back!) - and you will be so grateful you documented this past few months so richly!

ps. your photos get better and better. And I'm envious of the view from your new office!

Lizzie said...

Congrats Kathryn! That is very exciting. It's good to know that someone somewhere out there is getting a job!

You have definitely made the most of your time off. So many memories to remember fondly. I have no doubt everyone at your new job will just love you! Good luck!

laurel said...

congratulations! you'll be great!

noelle said...

congratulations on your new job! i love this post. i felt it all keenly. i once read a book that identified grief as simply a change in one's normal routine, a change in life as we currently know it. whether it's a death of a loved one, a new marriage, a move, loss of a job, a start of a new one. grieve away! and then enjoy, because it is all very exciting!

di said...

dearest kathryn,
cheers to monday - you'll be amazing! and of course 'they'll' like you - in fact, i'm sure 'they'll' love you! good luck and congrats on the new position! :)

Unknown said...

This past year has been great to watch. And it's true: your future view is amazing. I'm excited that you'll meet more friends and have new experiences for another good year.

Good luck. What will you be wearing? That can be published on the www, right?!

Suzi said...

Don't know whether to be happy or sad. Happy wins I suppose, but your friends are beyond sad to lose our social coordinator. Of course they will love you and you will be great!

Missy said...

That last photo might be a favorite.

Congrats are in order though. This is fabulous news. Although this doesn't mean you will be updating less frequently right?

In all seriousness a new job (among new baby and moving) is one of the most stressful things in life, I think. You'll do great.

Scott and Elly said...

Congrats on the new job! I hope you enjoy getting back into a routine, though it's always hard to say goodbye to lots of free time to do what you want. It sounds like you've had a very full and fun year, but it'll also be fun to start something new. You'll do great! And you can't beat the view:)

erin said...

after you just spouted off the events of the last year, i just realized that you are a very big reason why i love living in new york so much. almost every good memory i have here has you in it. and there are so many things we haven't done yet that we will do. the only thing that will drastically change is that you will have a lot more spending money than i. xo.

Jamie said...

Congrats on your new job! Although, I have to say I am sad too because I have been living vicariously through you and your exploration of NYC/hobbies/etc. Now you are back to the work force, which makes you appreciate all the time you had off and how you took advantage of that opportunity. Like someone said earlier, its like riding a bike. Plus, remember that they picked you out of the crowd of countless resumes, so they have to love you!

C & E Hudson said...

Congratulations on your new job!!! I am sure you will do great,, and look great too :-) don't worry on what to wear,,you seem to always pull great outfits together :-)

Lindsey said...

Wow, Kathryn. Great post. You are a great writer and a great photographer. I'm with Missy, this doesn't mean we will get less posts on the blog, right? :)

Erin said...

congratulations kathryn. Transitions suck, but I am sure you will do great. Although, I will miss you in the blog world. What a sweet office space. Couldn't ask for better.

Emily said...

Kathryn, congratulations on the new job! How exciting. When I started grad school this past fall, I went through the same kind of thought process—do I remember how do this? Do I remember how to do homework? Do I remember how to study? Do I remember, do I remember? And you know what? I goofed up a little bit and forget to put my name on my first 3 assignments! But all was well, and everything comes back, just like riding a bike.

I hope Friday is a great day for you, and the beginning of a wonderful new journey. {And oh my, what a view! I used to work on Central Park South, and that view made my day. Everyday.} GOOD LUCK!

Celine said...

Congratulations on the new job!!Like everyone else who commented, I've loved reading about your New York adventures over the past year and even though you might not have as much free time with the new job, I'm sure you'll have plenty more to write about. And I love the view from your new office! Good luck on your first day!

Kera said...

that's awesome about your new job! hooray for a job in this seemingly jobless economy.
I LOVE your priest lake pictures and cherish the ones you took of our family. Minus the mullet haired looking one! yipe :)

Sarah Jane said...

These pictures are breaking my heart a little bit. Miss Fall in New York.

Great to talk to you yesterday. Glad you found your keys :).

Joanna said...

Beautiful post, Kathryn. you have had the most amazing experiences, and documented them so, so, so well. Thanks for letting us all experience the magic of New York life through you. You'll be amazing at your new job, and they will love you. And if you don't love your job, you can always quit and become what you were REALLY meant to be! A famous photographer!

Kellie said...

That was a lovely post. Congrats on the new job - you're going to be great!

Jill said...

I admire you for always finding that silver lining. You'll be great, good luck on Friday!

k. said...

thanks friends.


Amy said...

Hurray for your new job! I sort of thought you might be getting close to this. I know what you mean about going back to 4th grade on for the first day (first month really!) of a new the past 4 years, I've started 4 new jobs. You'll get through it!

Jennifer said...

I'm a little bit envious of your new adventure. And the one(s) you had this past year too! Good luck!

Jill said...

Are we allowed to come and visit you at work?! Maybe drop off a treat? We could make that a weekly tradition if it's appropriate :) Good luck Friday, they will love you.

MorahJulie said...

Congrats on all your new beginnings. I loved this post. I'll be thinking of you Friday!

Heidi said...

Good luck good luck!

Will you still be teaching early morning seminary too?

k. said...

Louise, similar - in HR, but less focused on recruiting specifically & more focused on, um, everything. I'm the #2 HR person in a new team within a relatively new (3 years) start up.

Heidi - yes. Gulp.

And I'm not dying. Just working, so I hope I'll still get to blog often. :)

ellen said...

I liked this post. Congrats on the job and good luck with the juggling!

Morgan said...

I love this, Kathryn. I don't think that change is ever easy. Ok, sometimes it is but the easy changes are the boring ones, don't you think? The hard ones usually end up being more fun.

You'll do wonderfully. I just know it. And the location sounds fantastic! I practically lived at the Time Warner Center when I lived up there. Borders, Sephora, J. Crew, Whole Foods. It's a little piece of heaven.

Enjoy your new season. The view sounds fabulous!

Tara Edwards said...

:) My comment wouldn't blend well with the others left, so I'll simply say, I'm so excited for this weekend!! (Love you)

audrey said...

i recognized the sax player...

after looking back thru my iPhotos to 2006, i found him again : )

wonder how long he's playing in the park...

/Users/auan/Pictures/iPhotoLibrary/Modified/2006/meet the parents./IMG_0246.JPG